Chapter 20

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(Dhiya's view)

"Some thoughts are like fishing needle. The more you try to escape,the more it strucks deeper inside you" I thought.

"Huhh...Dhiya?" Aadhi's voice shook me out of my deep thoughts.

"Yeah?" I said and looked out of the car's window. I noticed that we had reached our apartment.

"Oh...sorry" I said and got out of the car. Aadhi followed me along with a bag in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked when we both reached the main door of our home. I started unlocking the door.

"Uhh...don't know, might be some snack...wait it feels like a bottle inside"Aadhi said and dig inside that bag to confirm.

"Kind of huge" I said and got curious. He took out a well shaped glass bottle.

"Fuck...its a scotch whisky" He said and showed me the bottle. 'Black dog' I read its label.

"I remembered that your parents showed off that you were a tee totler" I said smiling at him.

"Hey! Its true, I haven't tasted even a drop of alcohol in my life" he defended.

" what are we going to do with this thing?" I asked pointing the bottle.

"No idea, may be we can give this to some of my friends"

"Aadhi....shall I suggest something?"


"Umm....Actually I'm not in a good mood today, lot of things happened today you know"

"Huh..? Okay..."

"Why don't we have some of it? I heard that it changes people's bad mood"

"What?! Dhiya! Are you out of your mind?" He exploded.

"Pch...Aadhi. I have done everything you've asked, won't you just agree this for me? Such a selfish you are.." I shouted back.

"Huuhh...but Dhiya its..." he paused for a few seconds.

"Okay just one glass, okay? I think its enough for your so called mood change or whatever you call it" he agreed finally.

" can remain a teetotler if you want to. I won't force you" I said.

"Huhh....its okay, I need a change if mind too"

We both sat on the table. Aadhi brought two glasses from the kitchen and poured scotch in each of it.

"Hey hey...enough,we should dilute first you silly" I said.

"Huhh? It doesn't seemed to be your first time"

I chuckled on his comment.

"Nahh...I've seen it on movies"

I said and took one of the glass after mixing some water in it. A pungent smell entered my nostils and my face shrank automatically.

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