CH. 16.3 The Battle

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Panic rose in Alex's chest as she whispered, "Please don't let it be Galen's world." She felt Rile's hand grip her wrist, offering silent reassurance.

As the sound of beating wings grew closer, Argo's troops caught up to their leader and formed a protective circle around him. Despite the intensity of the situation, Alex couldn't help but be amazed by these soldiers - they showed no signs of fatigue or hangover from the previous night's revelry. Every one of them stood tall and ready for battle.

Gabe addressed Argo Arrows and bolts are no match for dragons unless you have a keen-eyed sharpshooter who can strike their vulnerable eyes. For crossbows and swords, aim for the weak spots on their backs and under their wings, those are your best chances at success. As for the wyrms, use your skilled archers against them as their skin is softer than that of dragons."

Argo's expression turned solemn as he absorbed Gabe's words, but then a playful glint shone in his eye before he winked and took to the sky with his troops, ready to face the formidable creatures ahead.

"Crossbow Agama, to me!" Gabe's voice echoed through the sky as he soared upwards. A group of flying Agama with crossbows in hand quickly formed a protective formation around him.

Rile grabbed Alex's hand and grinned. "We can't let him have all the fun up there."

With a determined nod, they took off towards Gabe.

"Shield down in" The Portal Guardian's voice boomed as she spread her arms and released her shield, stunning the dragons and wyrms to momentarily.

As they reached Gabe, Alex saw his phalanx of flying arbalists ready for battle

Gabe, Rile and Alex raced towards the lead dragon, determined to take it down. As they approached, Alex could see the massive creature inhaling deeply, preparing to unleash its flames. Before Gabe could give the command, Alex kicked Rile to release her. She flew towards its mouth at top speed, her slipstream creating a shield against the fire.

Meanwhile, Rile spread his wings and smoothly changed his drop into a graceful glide before powerfully beating his wings to gain altitude. Rile briefly glanced over to his older brother, who was directing the arbalists Agama to attack from behind, before he yelled, "Alex, how are you?"

The deafening roar of the dragon shook the ground, drowning out Alex's voice. A barrage of bolts from crossbows lodged into the dragon's hindquarters while a group of agile Agama warriors descended upon its back. Their swords glinted in the light as they stabbed and slashed between the armored scales. The rest of the dragon's wyrm flock shrieked in fury, unable to use their fire breath without harming their leader.

Argo's voice boomed through the air, and he lunged at the second dragon with a fierce yell. His troops were quick to follow, their powerful wings propelling them towards the massive creature with flames billowing from its mouth.

As they neared the dragon, two of the largest warriors, their impressive wingspans spanning out behind them, positioned themselves between Argo and the approaching danger. The dragon turned its blazing mouth toward those two and Alex again speed-burst, using her slipstream as a living shield.

Again, the fire splashed out on the sides of her slipstream and several warriors cursed as they beat out tiny flames on their clothes. The smell of burning cloth filled the air, but it was a small price to pay compared to the alternative - burning flesh.

As the third dragon descended upon them, Argo's Agama warriors fought valiantly but were overwhelmed. Alex could only watch in horror as their charred bodies plummeted to the ground. But Argo, determined to defeat this particular dragon, refused to flee. With a fierce roar, the dragon breathed fire towards them. Alex used a speed-burst to propel herself onto the dragon's neck just behind its massive skull. The impact of the speed-burst dulled her sword, but with all her strength she managed to force it through the tough hide of the dragon.

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