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A/n: Hi! Me again! Had a better Idea for this so why don't we try this :D This will start just after Percy kills the minotaur

Third Person P.O.V

"He's the one. He must be."

          "Silence Annabeth," the man said. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

The man and the aforementioned Annabeth turn to head into the safety of their camp when they are suddenly interrupted by what seemed to be sounds of effort from just outside the camp. They quickly rush through the trees, finding a sight that made their jaws drop. The man drew his bow instinctively as he saw a young boy who was locked in combat against a Scythian Dracaena and a Chimera. What really astounded them was the fact that the boy seemed to be faring pretty well against the monsters.

          "Chiron, how? How is he doing that," Annabeth asked, "He's fighting some pretty strong monsters, just like the boy with the Minotaur!" The man known as Chiron looked on in sheer amazement before replying,

          "You're right Annabeth. That boy over there has a similar scent to the one with the Minotaur. Wait a bit and we'll see if we have to step in..."

The story leaves Chiron and Annabeth as we join in with the Boy...

The Chimera swiped it's claws at the Boy with a surprising amount of strength forcing The Boy to raise his arm, a shield expanding and clashing with the Chimera's claws.

The Boy's P.O.V

          "This thing is damn strong, glad dad gave me his shield or else my arm would've been shredded," I mumbled as that weird snake monster took a swing at me with its spear. I moved my arm a second too late as I felt the metal of the spear cut my sweater and tear into my stomach.

         "You'll die ssssoon little hero, never having the chance to develop and caussse a problem for my massster." The monster shouted as she waved off that freakishly strong lion monster and I looked up to her before my breathing got shallow as I was losing blood and fast. The monster lunged towards me trying to stab towards my stomach, almost instinctively my arm moved to the target location, parrying the attack with my father's shield. 

          "Damn you! Why won't you jusssst die!" The monster yelled in anger as I jumped back, drawing the bow off my back.

          "I'm sorry but I just don't give up." I told the monster as the tip of my arrow glowed a brilliant shade of blue. Letting the arrow go, it cut through the air with a trail of frost behind the arrow, hitting the monster and quickly encasing her in ice.

          "I told you... I don't give... up." I mumbled as my body collapsed.

Back with Chiron and Annabeth

Annabeth and I ran to the boy after seeing him collapse with Annabeth still carrying the boy from earlier, a look of shock on our faces as we got to the Boy's body, clad in a green sweater and some blue jeans.

          "This boy is remarkable!" I shouted, "We need to bring him into camp to help him, Annabeth you bring the other boy. I'll bring this one" Annabeth nodded to me as I crouched down and picked up our mystery boy.

          "I wonder just how powerful you are..." I mumbled as Annabeth and I, holding our two mystery boys walked into camp, unaware of what was to come...

A/n: What'd you guys think? I like this idea a bit better and have a bunch more ideas for this version. I've already decided on the godly parent but I'm not too sure what I want to do for a love interest, only thing I don't want to do is break up established couples, but I'm okay with anything else. God or Demigod, male or female. Whatever the people want

Thank you, and I appreciate your existence.


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