'Your menus.' The waiter says, placing the menu booklet in front of you two and starting to explain the dishes that they have on for tonight only.

'And the drinks are on the last page of the menu booklet. But we are having a promotion tonight, a free first glass for couples. We'll get them out to you as soon as possible.' He explains, and you both thank him before he leaves to prepare the drinks.

'Looks like we'll have to call the designated driver tonight.' You say, looking through the menu booklet.

'I have plans, so no worries.' Shi Jin replies, taking his menu in his hands as well.

Shi Jin's pov

'Why is the restaurant so empty though? I thought places like this would be so crowded that I can barely hear you talk.' Y/n says as she laughs lightly, looking around the interior of the place as I gulp.

'Maybe...it's a little too early for us to be here.' I say, the excuse sounding dumb even to my own ears. I glance at Y/n, her thankfully too absorbed in looking around the restaurant from our seats to hear me.

'When did you plan all this?' Y/n asks as she gets the free wine from the waiter coming back to our table, and I feel like I've been exposed to the craft I have planned since three days ago.

Y/n's pov

You wave your hand in front of Shi Jin, him somehow zoning into the wineglass in front of you even when all the dishes that you and he ordered had come out. He snaps out of his thoughts, looking around at the large lobster and crab pasta in front of you and a piece of steak with intricate plating.

'You seem weird. Are you not feeling well? We could just go straight home after eating.' You say, placing some pasta on his plate.

'No, I'm fine. Just thinking of when I saw you drink first. I was wearing the same uniform.' He says, cutting the steak and putting it on your plate as well.

'Oh yeah, that was so awkward.' You say, remembering the time in Uruk when he kissed you out of nowhere before you avoided him at all costs.

'That was only a few months ago, can you believe that?' He asks, watching you sip the wine.

'We indeed moved fast. I can't remember when I actually started to like you again after that.' You reply, cutting the piece of steak with your fork and knife.

'That means you liked me all the time. I know I liked you all the time.' Shi Jin says, tasting the lobster pasta, his smug face expecting you to blush.

'Oh, so you went on a blind date with the flight attendant.' You say jokingly, trying the pasta yourself, enjoying the soft cream with the perfect level of seasoning.

'Ay, why can't you think that was because I was still trying to get over you? And it didn't work, clearly.' He replies, putting some salad that had come out as a side dish onto your plate.

'You looked too happy to be there in the picture.' You say again, although you were just trying to tease him as you gladly take the salad.

'I can't frown in a picture. I need to look good at all times so I can seduce you.' He says, and you fail to suppress your laughter at the last sentence that you did not expect.


[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Standing At the Edge of Summer, 22.Where stories live. Discover now