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Red Y/n: "Question from CommanderPreston, To mecha Y/n, have you met or encountered the smbz mecha ?"

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Hm... If I remember correctly, isn't he my predecessor?

Metallix Y/n: I'm standing right here, you know. Allow me to give ya some wisdom. As the original Mecha Sonic Y/n, I saw the whole universal reset that broke off his timeline from my own. Hence why they're so different, yet still slightly similar. But yeah, this QnA's basically the only time he's ever gonna meet me.

Magolor Y/n: Huh... So I take it you sorted out that identity crisis?

Metallix Y/n: Says the one who tried cloning himself using a combination of his, Regigigas Y/n and Gaster Y/n's DNA. How did that turn out?

Magolor Y/n: Uh... Can't say without possible spoilers, sorry.

Gamma: Thank you for the question.

Y/n multiverse (and Gamma) QNADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora