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Mecha Sonic Y/n: Alright Magolor, you're up. Question from Sonic3399. "For Magolor Y/n: What elemental would you like to have? Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, Lightning, Wind or Energy?"

Magolor Y/n: Ah, I see the Ninjago reference. Good play there! I'm gonna say lightning.

MissingNo.: Why not wind? Do you KNOW the shenanigans you can get up to with wind being your element?

Red Y/n: "MissingNo., my finger's on the delete button for your 'material'! I suggest you think over your next words carefully."

MissingNo.: Oh come on!

Shockwave Y/n: I can see the logic in choosing Lightning. Though don't you already have access to all of them?

Magolor Y/n: I did until I got the snot beaten out of me by Kirby. Now when I get my powers back they have different effects! Like Ruby's Petal Burst affecting my Magolor Surge. Unfortunately, at the cost of my pollen allergies acting up every time I use it.

Dust Y/n: Alrighty. Thanks for the question. Next one please!

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