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Dust Y/n: Helloooooo, another one from Void-Sama. *Hands Dust (Y/N) a Tsar Bobm with a note on it saying "Do what comes naturally :)" Lets the fireworks begin *Sips coffee*


Dust Y/n: Oh I know EXACTLY what comes naturally. Muhahahahaha...

Some time later... 

Dust Y/n: Gentlemen, today... we are gonna make the moon cry. Gaster, the rocket ready?

Gaster Y/n: It is, but why did you attach a saddle to the bomb?

Dust Y/n: So I can steer it obviously!

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Hold on hold on, are you telling me, this whole big plan of yours is to blow up the moon by driving a Tsar Bomba straight into its teeth? And all of this... for laughs?

Dust Y/n: Hell yeah! Now LAUNCH ME!

Void Y/n: Well... your funeral.

Dust Y/n is playing this exact tune on loud speaker on the way up. Just as the bomb is about to impact, he jumps off the rocket and flips the double bird at the moon as it explodes in a fashion that would make Michael Bay retire.  He saves himself with a Gaster Blaster on the way down.

Dust Y/n: HA! Let's see it try to ram us now! Star Dream, you can change it back now.

Star Dream Y/n: Oh, right. *changes the moon back to normal like nothing happened*

Dust Y/n: Thanks for the beeg boom Void-Sama. Next please!

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