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Pomni: Helllloooooooooo~

Blake: You know what time it is Y/n...~

Magolor Y/n: WHICH Y/N!?

Gamma: ... I am a helicopter. *flies away*

Mecha Sonic Y/n: GAMMA!!! GET BACK HERE!

Star Dream Y/n: ... Sure am glad that's not MY universe's Blake. Yo Sans. You alright buddy?

Sans Y/n: Nooo...

Shockwave Y/n: Well then... Sorry Mecha and Magolor, you're on your own.

Dust Y/n: Same here.

They both jump off of the hydra. Mecha Sonic Y/n and Magolor Y/n look at each other nervously.

Mecha Sonic Y/n: We-

Magolor Y/n: are-

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Screwed.

Magolor: Wait, Gaster's Blake is back in his universe... So... Is EVERY Blake's heat month November or is it just a coincidence?

Mecha Sonic Y/n: ... You're asking that NOW!?

Y/n multiverse (and Gamma) QNAWhere stories live. Discover now