When it was all over, the guardian shakes their head: "You are not worthy. This was a trick. You were not born of Mii World. That alone made you unworthy. Now, begone." That's when some familiar faces rush out of the realm and stand in between me and the guardian. Mel shouts: "Not so fast!" "You dare defy me when I've already deemed you worthy of dwelling in this afterlife?" She nods: "Swiftdrawer is our friend and we never abandon our friends. If we were in the same situation, Swiftdrawer would do the same for us." "Fools. I should have cast you into the void too." Madison speaks: "I knew something was off about this guardian. It's been some time since my first death but I still remember feeling uneasy meeting you for the first time, Mii Afterlife Gate Guardian!" "Hmph. I'm the one who decides who gets in and who doesn't. You can't stop me." Abstractoa says to me: "Swiftdrawer. As my student in the ways of the Artist's Eye, I want you to pay close attention to my words. I'm going to teach you how to advance your skills in information gathering with the Artist's Eye. *explains* Through these steps, you will be able to read even the ambitions of this guardian for yourself. It will take a lot out of you even though all beings quickly replenish their energy outside of the mortal realms but not inside of the actual afterlifes no matter any and all factors." "I see. So this space that exists between the afterlife of Mii World and the universe Mii World is in is a place where energy regeneration is incredibly high. Thank you for your guidance. I will use what you taught me now. It may be true that I won't be able to do this again for a while but still, I have no choice but to do it right now." And so, I activate my Artist's Eye to peer into the guardian's thoughts and whatnot. I discover a hidden lust for power.

"It's clear to me now. You want to have power so you make up rules to be an arbiter of who gets in and who doesn't. By doing so, you would be able to influence the social makeup of the afterlife. Anyone who would get in would not only favor you but also be in your eyes well deserving of entering the afterlife. But what you don't get is that that would happen still if your judgements were more fair. Actually, I see further into you now. You made up the judgement trials too. They weren't needed, the magic of the afterlife would determine if someone got in or not so you disrupted it to create your judgment trials. All because you were greedy and a little lonely it seems. You should have reached out to some of those who entered many ages ago. But you didn't and here we are." "How dare you peer into me! I will destroy you! Forget sending you to the void!" More familiar faces run out of the afterlife to stand firm against the greedy guardian who is shocked at this: "What? More of you want to defy me? This is completely foolish. Very well, I'll destroy you all!" Herbsalvin speaks: "You know why battles rarely ever happen outside of the mortal realms? Inside the afterlifes, an individual soul has the same energy level of a god. If conflict were to break out, it would put not just the realm at risk but others as well. Even worse if a battle occurs out here. Outside of an afterlife." "I know that but I will still destroy you all. After all, you don't stand a chance against me."

I speak: "Oh, is that right? Then we'll just have to prove you wrong and bring you down in the process!" A fight with the guardian begins. It was so fast paced that I can't even begin to describe how it went exactly. It's like the whole battle is a blur to me now. But when it was over, the guardian was on the ground, defeated: "Unthinkable.. I have been defeated.. You.. All of you.. How did you even do this? This shouldn't even be possible.." Madison cracks her knuckles: "Let me put it in a way that even you will understand. We have more experience fighting than you do." "That can't be true!" I add: "It is. You have had more experience than any single one of us but together, our experiences combined far exceed your own. That's why you lost. And now that you have, things are going to change around here." Abstractoa speaks: "Mii World's afterlife will now be under my protection. I will leave a clone of myself behind to fill the role of Gate Guardian. That's how it will be for now. Until the greatest fighters of Mii World reach god level, that will be the arrangement. And with this afterlife under my protection, I will let all of you decide what to do with our foe. I support the autonomy of mortals completely." We spend some time discussing before we decide on what to do. Mel speaks our decision: "We will give a mortal body to the guardian and attempt to teach them a better way of existing." The guardian shouts: "No! Anything but that!" She replies: "With your role stripped from you, you no longer have any reason to exist." "NO! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE RIGHT?!" I say: "With that settled, how exactly are we going to get all of your souls back to your bodies in Mii World? We need to open a way between this realm and Mii World. That's all I know." Madeline steps forward: "Yes, that's what we need to do. But there's more. To bring our souls back from this side instead of the other side, it will require us all to reach a state of true calm in our minds as well. The portal creation must be done specifically at one specific location. It will take some time."

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