My sweet girl

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Toms pov*
Demi ran to her room with aria. Gosh if i had favorites gigi would 100% be my favorite kid.
Niomis pov*4 weeks later***
Latley tom has been very distant again. He's never home always smiling while on his phone. He never kisses me or hugs me. Iam pretty sure we havent sexually interacted in 2years.

I woke up early and started making breakfast. Tom got up and went to the kitchen "ima go out" he said "ok" i silently said putting somthing away.

"Iam going to be out for a long time" he added "okay" i glanced at him "i dont know when iam coming back" he looked at me "okay" i sighed.

"Tell gigi i said bye" he sighed "iam pretty sure she already knows the drill" i glared at him before putting a spoon in the sink. "Whats your deal!?" He raised his voice "tom, i dont feel like arguing" i closed the fridge.

i started walking away "Niomi!" He yelled "what!?!!" I yelled turning around. "Can you calm down!?" He yelled slamming somthing on the counter. I took a breath out and he stared at me.

"I think im going to go to the gym" i suggested before going to my room and change. Once i was done i left.

After working out for 4 hours i started thinking about tom again. Iam so drained. Me and him technically have been together for 10 years. I went to the bathroom and just started balling.

I dont want this relationship to end but staying in it dosent feel right. This isnt the love i wanted. This isnt love. Its Toxic love. I wiped my tears and went home.

A white cadillac was in my drive way. What the hell? Is it nyla? Did she get a new car. I slowly and quietly walked in the house. There was 2 glasses of whine on the counter.

I heard loud moans and groans. I open my room door to see tom and Heidi klum in the bed naked. My heart started beating. My chest went up and down from breathing to strongly. Tears filled in my eyes. "Niomi!" Tom shouted in guilt.

I walked out in disbelief. My own house,my own bed,my own room and my own...husband. One tear fell from my eye. "Niomi please iam sorry!" Tom ran to me.

"10 years ment nothing?" I asked quietly. "Please iam really really sorry" he repeated. Heidi walked out once she was dressed "he has two daughters!" I yelled at her gigi walked in the hall.

Tom tried grabbing my arms. "I hate you tom kaulitz!" I cried "i fucking hate you!" I cried as i pushed him away. "This is your 3rd time!" I yelled "I want you out! Pack your stuff and leave!" I cried.

"And you! Get the fuck out my house!" I yelled at Heidi before she left. "Mom?" Gigi said softly "gigi iam so sorry you had to see this just stay in your room" i told her with my trembling voice.

I went in my room where tom was. "Niomi you dont have to do this" he said tears forming "tom, if you really wanted to be in love with me you wouldn't have cheated on me three times" a tear fell from his eye.

"Darling please" he begged "No! No more darling! Shes gone! You lost her!" I yelled. "Where divorcing" i said in a serious face. "Niomi! Please. Please ill do anything dont do this!" He cried grabbing my waist and pulling me close.

"I love you Niomi!" He cried "yea... well it didn't seem like it" my voice softly spoke. He grabbed my face and kissed me.

I pushed him away "stop, i already told you where splitting up. Go live your life with that model. She has a better body anyway" i sniffled before walking out the room.

"I really want to be with you! Please" he begged "tom, i love you. But this. This isnt love" i Said trying not to cry.

He grabbed my waist pulled me close to his and kissed me. It turned into a make out session but than i pushed him away. "That was your last kiss from me" my weak eyes looked up at him. "Go finish packing" i softly spoke.

Toms pov*
It hurt so bad. 2005,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017 and our love had to end at 2018. I softly cried as i packed my bags. I dont know why iam so stupid.

I didnt want to do this but ive damaged my sweet girl to much. She's been in pain for the most longest time ever. I broke her in 2005,2009 and 2018. She will always be my sweet girl.

She eventually has to find someone new. I cried and cried. I brought out all my bags to the living room. Niomi was crying quietly. She let me hug her one last time, she let me kiss her one last time,we sucked up the pain and ate dinner all as a family one last time and she let me sleep with her one last time. Like nothing happend.

But in the morning i was being picked up. She layed in bed and i layed next to her. "Can i hug you?" I asked softly "mhm" she hummed weekly. I hugged her waist and we fell asleep like that.

In the morning she was hugging me back. I got a call from Heidi. As soon as Niomi realized what she was doing she quickly stopped. She got up and put on a hoodie. I got dressed. I couldnt stop crying it was so painful.

Niomis pov*
Me and tom decided we where going to switch off days with the kids every week. Before tom left i hugged him one last time. "Tom" my weak voice spoke "yes?" He sniffled "Youll always have a special place in my heart. I love you" a tear streamed down my face.

"Awww" he cried before hugging me tightly. "I love you to" he sniffled. Eventually he left and i cried for days. I slept alone. Everytime id turn to hug him.

No one was there...

Gigi comforted me alot. I became depressed. I was in bed all day crying. Nyla came over "niomi come on get up" nyla begged me "i dont want to" i cried "what do you want?" She asked me.

"I want my husband back" i cried. Im fucking stupid! Why didnt i let him stay!?! I cried and cried and cried.

When i finally gained the energy to go out. There was magazines of me and toms break up. When i went to an interview i was zoned out.

"Niomi. How is that divorce going?" The interviewer softly asked me "hm? How have you been?" She asked feeling bad. "I would be lying if i said i was fine" i tried not to cry.

I hate myself. Evertime nyla comes over with bill i have long talks with him. Gigi and demi have learned to cope with eachother and they dont fight as much.

I was in so much pain. I was getting better little by little. I didnt get anyone new. I dont want to be in love.

One day i was exercising and i got a text
Tom: 'niomi'
Niomi: 'yeah?'
Tom: 'why havent you moved on?'
Niomi: ' tom.. i cant'
Tom: 'i wish we where still together'
Niomi: ' i do to believe me'
Iam so sorry to inform that this story is soon coming to an end. every story has an ending. Iam balling out guys. Ima miss alot of parts of this journey of writting. Ima miss getting my phone spammed by people cs they want the next chapter. Iam pretty sure there is going to be one or two more chapters. If you are crying cs of tom and niomis break up. Dw girl your not the only one.

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