Smudged mascara

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Trigger warning! SH‼️
August 18 2005
The class ended and I ran out the room. My head was spinning and I saw james and luna "Guys!" I ran to them "Get away from us you slut" Luna said I satred at her "what" I said my voice being low and soft
"We saw what Tom posted" James said giving me a disgusted look "what did he post?" I asked and Luna looked at me.

She put her phone in my face and it was me and Toms old tape i didnt even know about. My breathing got heavy "i didnt know he even was recording" i said as tears formed.

"what do you mean?" Luna asked me
"i didnt even know he was recording" I repeated as a tear fell from my eye "yea but you mustve new since you had a wig on" she said laughing "what? I dont own wigs" i said confused

"This chick has blonde hair" Luna said showing me.
"It wasnt me! That means. He's...he's cheating on me" I said in disbelief, I started crying and luna and james hugged me "were sorry" they addmitted.

I satrted walking to the bathrooms and I saw Tom.
My eyes where week,my heart was soft,my hands where shaking and cold.

"Niomi wait!" Tom shouted but I ran into the bathrooms.

Once I got in I slammed the door shut. And looked at myself in the mirror. Im such a fool for bealiving Toms lies. I pulled my bottom eye lids down and started at my reflection.

I let go and realized how smudged and messed up my make up was. I saw the bracelet in my reflection and ripped it off and put it in my backpack.

I brushed my hair with a brush I bring everywhere. My eyes where rested and my hazel eyes where smuged from the black eyeliner and Mascara .

I wanted to scream. I emptied my bag and saw my razor and smashed it on the ground to get the blade out. Once I was successful I didn't hesitate and cut my skin 1,2,3,4,5. Blood rushed down my arms and I stared at my dark red blood. It got on the ground and on my white shirt. I also got som on my hands. The razor was filled with my blood and I put it in my back pack

Thankfully I brought a sweater and I put it on.
And winced as the thick sweater touched my sensitive wounds. I got out the bathroom and went to class. As soon as I walked in everyone had their eyes on me including Tom. "Niomi your late" the teacher said staring at me as I sat down "im sorry" I apologized "dont let it happen again" she said before continuing her lesson.

Tom looked at me. "That guy wasnt me" he said and I turned my head to look at him "what are you talking about??" I asked "their is a new kid. He has dreads to and he is trying to copy me. He even got the same lip peircing" he said in a quiet tone.

"Alright kids their is a new kid he will be coming in any minute" the teacher anounced before a kid walked in.

He was a little bigger and wasnt skinny like Tom. He was wearing a red big shirt and baggy pants but not as baggy as Toms again. He had dreads in a pony tail and a red hat but his dreads werent as long as Toms. He had a gold lip peircing wich looked absolutely ugly.

He was also short,He was probably 5'8 and Tom is 6'1. "Okay whats your name" the teacher asked "My name is Ezra" he said. His voice was not deep like toms it was more high pitched.

"Well cant we all agree that Tom looks like Ezra?-" the teacher was about to finish her sentence but I cut her off  "No Ezra looks like Tom" I said hitting my pencil soflty on the table as I played witht my lip pericing and looking at Ezra giving him a death stare.

"W-well I suppose thats right" she stuttered "Okay um Ezra why dont you have a seat next to Niomi and Tom." The teacher spoke before Ezra walked over to our table. As he sat down i scootced more near Tom for I did not want to sit next to my boyfriends Clone.

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