Forget about me

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After i told tom about the whole story i heard toms voice changing "im so sorry im not there to comfort you darling" he said as his voice cracked.

"Its fine ill see you when you come back" I said calmly "yea ill be coming back tomorrow" he mentioned "okay see you than" i yawned before he hung up.

"Where is Nyla?" I asked sitting up "she's at Michaels still. The party went on still" my dad said putting his hand on his hips "that sucks" I chukled "Honey you just got stabbed and your mood hasnt even changed" my dad laughed

"Welp,thats me" I laughed with him. We went home and my dad went to work. I went to my sink and got water when Nyla barged in drunk as fuck.

I got startled "What the hell Nyla!!!" I shouted as she sat down on the couch with her eyes bearly open "What? Chill out" she said drinking from a bottle. I grabbed the bottle from her hand and through it causing it to shatter.

"You rather fucking get drunk than worry about your sister!? I was stabbed and you kept drinking! What the hell Dad was right your going to turn out just like mom" i said being pissed as hell.

"Okay! Wait! Why would you guys talk shit about me!??" She shouted before standing up "Oh so when we talk shit about you it matters??! What about when you guys talk shit about me Huh!?" I shouted

"Thats diffrent" she said when my heart shattered. Tears formed in my eyes "right" I said before running upstairs. "Niomi Wait im sorry!" She shouted but i slammed my door and i started shaking.

I started crying. Everyone hates me. Why am I so diffrent? Why cant I be normal? I stayed in my room and rolled up in a ball with my blanket over my body.

Time skip- 1 week later
Ever since that day I got stabbed I pushed myself from everyone including My dad,Tom,Nyla,Luna and James.

My dad invited Tom over. I was in my room in my bed cuddled up in my blankets. Tom walked in my room "niomi"he said soflty and I ignored him.

He got in bed with me and hugged me. "Hug me back" he asked nicely "go away" I said quietly. "Common darling please" he begged "i just want to be alone" i addmitted. Tom sighed before leaving closing the door.

Toms pov:
I wasnt going to force her to do something she clearly didnt want to. I left and closed the door. As i went downstairs I looked at her dad  "Any luck?" He asked me "no" I said nodding head no. "Thank you for trying Tom" he thanked me "no problem" i said before leaving the house. I soon got a text from one of my ex's.

Scarlet: 'Hey'
Tom: '???'
Scarlet: 'do you miss me?'
Tom: 'why would I?'
Scarlet: 'you know im better at pleasing you than she is'
Tom: 'And what?'
Scarlet: 'come over'

I thought for a minute as I was in my car. Should I? What will happen with Niomi? Well she is not going out or talking to Anyone so she wont find out.

Tom: 'what time?'
Scarlet: '8pm you know my routine'
Tom: 'okay ill be there'
End of text convo.

I leaned my head back. When my phone buzzed
Niomi: 'tom'
Tom: 'hm?'
Niomi: 'im sorry'
Tom: 'its ok ill see you tomorrow'
Niomi: 'oh...ok'
I closed my phone.

Time skip-8pm

I got ready and went to Scarlets. Once she invited me in her house she took me to her room. As soon as she closed her door she pinned me to her wall and started kissing me.

She started rubbing up against me.before she started removing my shirt. I just let it happen,she pushes me on her bed before getting on top of me. She unzipped my pants soon than my boxers. I guess we all know what happends next.

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