Whole point

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I came to school mad really mad. My father decided it would be a good idea for him to leave me alone for 2 months to go to a work trip! I dont even have a mom and hes leaving me alone with my play girl of a sister!!

"Niomi your late" my teacher spoke "cool?" I said before sitting down and staring at the teacher. She pulled down her glasses to look at me "Wearing bagging clothes again? Almost mistaked you for Tom" she teased letting a smirk form on her face.

The whole class started laughing Tom looked at me with a firm look and a smirk.

Yes my shirts and pants where big but that was because I was insecure about showing my body.
I looked away before my emotions went from mad to uncomfortable.

I slouched and put my arm on my baggy jeans. Halfway through the class period I got super bored I started tapping my pencil on my desk and zoning out.

"Niomi!" The teacher shouted making me snap out of my session"Dont yell at me!" I shouted back getting really tense"Well listen to me the first time! Stop tapping your pencil it's disturbing your classmates learning" she said trying to anoy me.

As soon as the bell rang i slammed my body against the door forcing it to open. Someone grabbed my backpack from the back "Dont waste your time stealing my style,Darling" they said. I turned around and saw Tom. We made eye contact for 7 secs straight I was confused but I didnt let him know that.

"Hey tommy" a girl said before looking at us. I broke eye contact to look at the girl "whos this?" She asked him. Before he could even look at me again I walked away shoving people out of my way.

I went to second period and slammed the door open.
I had to sit next to Tom in this period. Why? Why do I have such bad luck?!? I sat down and Tom sat down next to me, we sat in silence "I never realized you had hazel eyes" Tom mentioned.

I yawned "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked him before holding my own hands on the table "Its good. I think it's beautiful"
He said giving me a warm smile. "Thank you" I smiled.

After class I was walking around when the girl that was with Tom came up to me. "Look Niomi stay away from Tom hes mine!" She shouted "Hes all yours I dont want him" I said laughing before shoving her out my way.

Until she ran and started walking infront of me to make her seem cool I guess so I just turned around.
It was now lunch and I went with my 2 only friends.
James and luna. Luna was emo and James was gay.

"Hey guys" i said sitting down
"hey niomi i saw you in the hallway with Tom kaulitz" james mentioned "Yea he was being a jerk" I whined.

"Why?" Luna asked "well cause the teacher said I looked like tom cs of my clothes. And tom came up to me like i did it on purpose" i said before putting my hand on my forhead. "Psh teachers need to leave you alone thats like the 16th time this year!" Luna said.

"Welp-" "Niomi!" Some one shouted i tured around and saw that girl "I told you to leave Tom alone!" She shouted

"Didnt i already do that?"  I yawned "No! I saw him looking at you!" She shouted again "Man I dont control where his eyes go!" I shouted back before Tom came to my table. "Could you stop bothering Niomi Me and you are nothing!" He shouted.

"So last night was nothing!?" She shouted "jesus christ" i said under my breath "Yes! I dont like you!" He shouted once again "Fine i was cheating on you anyways" she said shoving him.

I got up and walked away "Niomi!" Tom shouted "God leave me alone! You shouting half the time irrates me!" I said turning around. "Iam sorry" He sighed "Okay" I said before walking away. "Niomi!" He shouted again "What!!" I whined "We should hang out some time" he smiled

"No,im not one of your hoes" i claimed "Fine" he said before walking away.

Time skip- after school

I was waiting for my fraternal twin sister Nyla.
We took advantage of being fraternal twins so
We pretended like we were just best friends.

"Nyla hurry up!!" I whined as she was walking slowly "iam going jesus" she scoffed.  As we were walking home Tom ran to Nyla "Hey Nyla wanna come over?" Tom asked her, she looked at me and smirked "Why dont you come to mine?" She suggested. "Nyla No!" I shouted

"Someone is jealous" tom smirked I growned in anoyence. I wasn't jealous but if he came over me and Nylas secret would be revealed. And we have been keeping this secret since kindergarten.

"Lets just tell him" She sighed "Hell no i dont trust him!" I complained "If you wont i will" she said "...fine" i said making sure my toned sounded like i was bothered. Cause i really was... "Niomi and I are faternal twin sisters" Nyla addmitted. Tom was in shock. "I thought you guys where best friends" he said

"That was the whole point" I said.
Hola people i wanted to try a new story cause the other one was just like weird and going off track but iam hoping this one get better! I also put two of the same songs (i think) i slowed version and a sped version!

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