Unexpected Set Up - Bulkhead x human!reader

Start from the beginning

Bulkhead facepalmed and tiringly sighed, "That kid..."

"Looks like the two of us fell for her little trap." you chuckled.

"I will talk with her once we get back to the base." he stroked the back of his helm embarrassingly and apologized, "Sorry she dragged you into this."

"Actually, this place is not so bad." you glanced at the view with admiring eyes and then you looked up at him again, "If you don't have anything important to do, would you like to stay here with me for some company? Just for a bit. We got here anyway, let's at least enjoy the scenery." you went to one of the big laying rocks and sat on top of it, patting the surface.

The mech let out a short laugh and settled himself on the sand, close to you, "You sure like the beach, huh?"

"Yep! Sometimes I just like to sit down and enjoy the sunset and the sound of the tiny waves splashing into the stones."

He looked at the scenery, nodding in agreement, "It has a calming effect for sure."

Right then, something at the corner of your eye caught your attention, "Oh my gosh, Bulk! You will never believe this!" you got off your sitting spot and dashed to the other side of the shore, the Cybertronian followed your lead and peeked down, "Look! It's baby turtles!" you pointed to the small creatures which were wriggling out of the sand.

"Heh, they look kinda cute." he smiled while watching how more of them began to appear.

"They are so precious!" you cupped your cheeks and grinned happily, kneeling to take a proper look at them, "Good thing there are no predators around at this hour, poor little things wouldn't have survived. They are super fragile and their soft shell could be easily damaged until they have fully grown up. Hatchlings are naturally capable of crawling long distances to the water as soon as they emerge from the nest. It's important not to touch them because we may also be hindering the turtle's ability to learn important environmental cues they'll need to find their way back to their nesting areas later in life."

"You're saying this little guys just hatched and already know what to do and where to head to? That's definitely impressive."

"I know, right? They are my one of my favorite animals, such wonderful and adorable creatures." you said, hands resting on your knees, then your gaze focused on the robot, "Just like you, Bulk."

He froze after your compliment and stared down at you, "M-me? You... you think I'm adorable?"

"Well, you are one of the kindest and strongest bots I know." you blushed as you glanced away, "I like it whenever you show this soft side of yours. But I noticed you're pretty nervous when I hang out with you guys. Is it because you are still not comfortable with me?"

"N-no!" he shook his servos, "That's not true, I just-- Primus, this is way harder than I thought..." he wondered how to properly answer you and his face-plate flushed in blue a little.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought up this subject. I didn't want to make things awkward between us."

"(Y/n), I-look... I think I know why Miko organized this meeting." he began to explain, "I told her that I-- had a crush on you..." he admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact, "Actually, she found out first then she pushed me to admit it. She wanted me to tell you but... I just couldn't. I know this is weird but I will understand if you think this whole thing is pointless. After all, I'm a robot and you're a human, it probably won't wo—"

"I think it will." you interrupted, watching him with an affectionate expression.

Bulkhead was silent for a hot minute until he got the courage to reply, "Y-you think so?"

"We are different, but I don't think that will stop us. I actually have a slight crush on you too." you confessed bashfully, "And I understand exactly how you feel. I want to give this a try."

"O-oh..." he tapped his digits out of nervousness and smiled, "T-that's great then. I- didn't expect this answer, heh."

Your attention focused on the tiny turtles again and saw a big obstacle in their path, "That rock is blocking their way." you mentioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let's help them out then." Bulkhead went to it and picked it up with ease, "There we go." he placed it far from them and you decided to help as well.

"Better make an easier path for them to go through." you responded and smoothed the sand with your hands as much as you could. You stood up and moved out of their way, encouraging them, "That's right little guys, come on now, almost there." the two of you waited patiently for the tiny animals to get in the water. Soon, one by one, the waves of the lake took them in and the turtles swam away from the coast.

"Think they will survive out there on their own?" questioned Bulkhead with a concerned tone.

"Nature always has its ways." you responded as you waved at them, "But I hope they will be alright. Thanks for helping, Bulk."

"Hey, no problem. I'm glad we got to spend some time together and talk things through."

"Do you want to hang out like this more often?"

"Y-yeah, that actually would be nice." he replied warmly, but then he noticed shaking your foot left and right.

"Think I got some sand in my shoe." you laughed.

"Wanna sit up here?" he offered, pointing to his shoulder-pad. You nodded and he opened his servo for you to climb on. You sat down near his helm and removed the sand, "I think this place can be our secret spot. Where no one could disturb us. What do you say?"

"Sounds great to me."

"Miko sure has a taste in setting up cool places for first dates."

"This-- i-is this a date?" he stammered.

"Only if you want it to be." you replied with a happy expression.

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said, "Yeah, I think we can consider this as a date." as you both sat in that peaceful spot, you couldn't help but hope that this was just the first of many dates to come. And as you were looking at the scenery, you realized that this was the start of something really special.

"We are still gonna scold her, right?" you asked.

"Sure will."

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