It seemed like forever before I he finally opened the door. And when he did he bent down to kiss me. "Your father says he misses you and he will call you later." He gives me back my phone and then starts to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" I jump to my feet and scramble after him. "What did you two talk about?"

He shrugs noncommittal. "Man stuff."

I snort. "Right. Man stuff. No but really what did y'all talk about?" He stops in his tracks turns and kisses me. I practically melt at his feet. "I can't tell you," he whispers. "It's a secret." He winks at me and internally I'm yelling at myself for falling for his distraction.

"Fine then," I huff and pull away, "don't tell me." I turn and march away from him. "And I hope you enjoyed that kiss 'cause that is the last one you will be getting from me for a while!" In the spur of the moment I decided to stick my tongue out at him. He laughs a long and hearty laugh but even then I could see his eyes turn a shade darker.

"Oh so you think I'm playing? Just try me." I add a put more sass into my step channeling my inner model. It was my turn to laugh when I hear a low growl.

I just hear him say "I think I will," before I take off down the hallway with him on my tail.
A couple days later I was bored in class when I started thinking about my mate, specifically my marking. I replayed over and over how good it felt to be in my mans arms and just how good every kiss and caress felt against my body. And I loved the feeling of my mate sinking his teeth into me. For some just thinking about that primal act had me and my wolf going crazy. I could feel my body temperature go up and I squirm a little in my seat.

Then I started to wonder what if we had not stopped there? What if Jared and I had kept going?

And of course that train of thought lead me to thinking about how connected I felt to Jared after he had marked me. I felt so much of his feelings and emotions, the strongest ones being of course love and happiness and coming in at third would be good amount of lust. I loved the emotional connection that was established but what if we had decided to become physically connected. What if we were connected both physically and emotionally at the same time. My wolf purrs at the thought.

My thought were straight in the gutter and so not appropriate to be thinking about in class but I just couldn't help myself. All I could see were naughty images of the two of us together. Well that was until I heard Jared's growl. I turn and look at him. He sits diagonally across from me.

His grip was hard holding the desk and his eyes dark. I feel warning signals coming through the mate bond telling me to stop thinking whatever I was thinking about. He leans in and I follow his lead. "I don't know what oh think you are doing or thinking about but stop. I can smell you." I bite my lip and I nod my head and embarrassingly turn away from him.

I stop thinking about all the things I one day hope to do with my very sexy beta and try to focus on what the teacher says. A few minutes later I hear another growl from my mate. He was giving me pointed looks through his even darker eyes. "Erica!" He snaps. "I said knock it off!"

I give him a confused look. "I'm not doing anything." I whisper back.

"Then why can I still smell you?" I shrug. How the heck was I suppose to know?

This causes him to stop growling for a moment. He closes his eyes and takes a big sniff of the air before looking around the classroom. That's when he pops out of his seat and grabs my arm dragging me out the room. Now as much as I love Jared, I was not a fan of being man handled.

"Hey stop! Where are we going?"

He doesn't answer me right away.


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