Chapter 12: keeping it in the dark

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Author's POV

As War sat in his desolate corner, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him, he looked up to see Yin and Celine sharing a moment of intense intimacy - a passionate kiss that sent a searing pang through his already shattered heart.

The sight, like a dagger to his soul, was too much to bear.

The world around him blurred as tears welled up, falling relentlessly down his cheeks.

The dim lights of Bonz's place seemed to cast shadows that mirrored the turmoil within him.

Unable to endure the heart-wrenching scene, War made a silent decision.

With determination etched across his face, he rose from the corner and began walking away from the pulsating heart of the party.

Each step felt heavier than the last, and the sound of his own footsteps seemed to echo the somber rhythm of his broken heart.

Outside, the night embraced War, its darkness providing a cloak for his tears. The cool breeze offered a fleeting solace, but the ache within him persisted.

He walked alone, the city's sounds serving as a distant backdrop to the symphony of his emotional turmoil.

As he navigated the quiet streets, War's mind replayed the scenes he'd witnessed - Yin and Celine lost in the throes of passion.

The echoes of their shared laughter and the tender moments they had woven together intensified the ache in his chest.

His steps carried him further into the night, away from the echoes of joy and connection that lingered behind him.

The weight of unspoken words and unrequited feelings bore down on him, and with each footfall, he felt a sense of release and resignation.

The tears, still flowing unabated, mirrored the vulnerability of a heart torn between love and heartbreak.

War walked through the city's shadows, his emotions laid bare to the silent witness of the night.

In the solitude of the darkened streets, he grappled with the complexity of his feelings, the echoes of Yin and Celine's kiss haunting his every step.

The city, normally alive with the pulse of urban life, now stood witness to the quiet departure of a soul left battered and bruised by the intensity of unspoken desires.

As War ventured into the night, the echoes of his footsteps mingled with the symphony of his tears, each step a testament to a heart walking away from a love that could never be.


As War continued his solitary walk through the night, the luminous glow of an open ice cream booth caught his attention.

A small respite from the emotional tempest within, he decided to indulge in a familiar comfort - his favorite chocolate ice cream.

The bell above the booth jingled as War entered, greeted by the sweet aroma of frozen delights.

The vendor, a cheerful young woman, noticed the traces of tears on War's face but refrained from prying into his emotions.

War requested a scoop of chocolate ice cream, a small solace commotion nearby drew his attention.

A middle-aged woman, clutching her ankle in evident pain, had stumbled and fallen.

War's instincts kicked in, and he rushed to her aid, offering a steadying hand.

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