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"I need to pee!" Juwon called out, they were just driving up Jungkook's drive. His house was a dream. He had a grey wall made of bricks, white walls and transparent, glass doors.

Taehyung was in awe, "Your house is amazing." Was all he said, Jungkook chuckled, "It's alright." He responded.

"Are you ready to meet my friends?" Jungkook asked, looking at Taehyung, to which Taehyung looked back. Their faces were very close together, their eye contact was addicting but Jungkook couldn't handle it. "I forgot about that, I hope they'll like me and Juwon." Taehyung answered, still looking at Jungkook, admiring him and his side profile.

"They'll love you guys, don't worry, let's go before the food gets cold." Jungkook hurriedly said, opening his door and running around to open the door for Taehyung.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Taehyung smiled, getting out the car elegantly. "You're most welcome." He replied, shutting the door after he got out.

"Come on Juwon," Jungkook opened his door, "Thank you... Kookie!" He shrieked. "I don't have any cookies Ju, I'm sorry." Taehyung replied to the boys exclaim.

"No, mum, him, Kookie." Juwon pointed at Jungkook, getting out the car shortly. "It's a nickname of mine, my friends call me that." Jungkook answered shutting his door and locking the car. "That's cute, can we call you that?" Taehyung asked, innocently, but there was something about his eyes that excited Jungkook. They were so seductive-looking.

"Yes you can," He replied dryly, his mind foggy with dirty thoughts. "Nice," Taehyung smiled.

Juwon grabbed Jungkook's arm, indicating up. "Ju? Let go of Kookie." Taehyung said but Jungkook dismissed him, "I don't mind." Jungkook picked the boy up, chucking him up and catching him.

Loud laughter emitted from Juwon as he was spun round by Jungkook, "So fun!" He spoke through giggles, "Again kookie!" He asked, "Later okay, I bought something for you, we can play with it after dinner."

Taehyung watched in awe, Juwon felt so comfortable around Jungkook and the way Jungkook played with him like he was his own, melted his heart.

"You bought him something?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook nodded, putting Juwon on his hip, the boy playing with his chain. "Yeah I did, I hope you don't mind. I got it this morning." Jungkook beamed, a smile on his face.

"Oh Jungkook that's so nice of you, I don't know if I can pay you back." Taehyung scrambled, Jungkook rolled his eyes, grabbing his waist and turning him around to face the pathway. "Don't worry about it Taehyung, it's on me." He said, his voice deeper than usual and Taehyung could almost feel a flutter in his stomach. The way his muscular hand felt on his lower back, the deep voice, everything was too much.

They got to his main door and Jungkook opened it, the sound of faint music and the smell of sesame seed oil overcame them.

"Smells so delicious." Taehyung remarked, as Jungkook guided him in by his waist once again.

"Welcome, please take off your shoes here." One of the maids approached Taehyung. He was so overwhelmed, maids???

Who was Jungkook? He started to wonder. The maid took his shoes and set them down in the cabinet, he looked over to see Jungkook taking off Juwon's shoes, the boy clinging onto him for dear life.

"Ju, you can get down now..." Taehyung spoke, ready to take his boy back, but he didn't budge. "He's alright Taehyung, don't worry." Jungkook softly said and Taehyung backed away. He loved the fact that Juwon was so comfortable with him and Jungkook allowed it.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." Jungkook spoke, taking Taehyung's hand and walking to the dining room.

Taehyung gasped, it looked like a feast fit for kings. He felt so out of place. "Hey everyone, this is Taehyung!" Jungkook introduced him, to which he smiled and waved at everyone, someone in particular catching his eye.

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