Chapter 30 { End of the Beginning }

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"Arriving in 3 minutes"

Yes! I'm can finally get of this stupid plane! So, what happened was that, apparently Sam and Speedy are dating, I would have liked to know that! I don't even know her real name! Cap is wwayy to old fashion! I'm get annoyed by all of Speedy's sass. Spiderman and Sam are both idiots, and I'm bored! Can it get any worse.

Looking at the window, my eyes widen. There was a huge, and I mean huge, mountain below. How did we not see this!?

Spidey was still being an idiot, making stupid jokes. I didn't pay much attention to what he said, but I know it was stupid.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Cap asked everyone.



"Yes, sir"

"Sure" everyone looked at me. "What?" Giving a innocent look.

"Never mind, just stick to the plan." Cap said.

Wow, it's easy for people to trust me this days, I mean really, you hate me, now you get me to fight with you. Make up your mind.

"Laaannnddding, know." Said Cap.

We all unhook ourselves from our seats. Then we all gather around Cap.

"You all know what to do?" everyone nodded.

Then Cap pressed a button, and the hatch door opened.

Spidey and Sam went left. Cap went forward. Leaving me with Speedy. Out of everyone, I'm stuck with Speedy, why!?

Me and Speedy silently walked right. Walking into a jungle. Not saying anything for a good 5 minutes.

"Ok, why do you hate me?" Speedy asked.

"Hate you?" I laughed. "Why do you hate me?" I mean, what did I do?

"Because you hate me." She responded. I hate you because you hate me.

"If we're going to go like this, we're going to get nothing done. So let's just stay on mission, then we can go our separate ways."

"Ok, for 1, your not the boss. 2, your not just leaving after this, you have to go through s.h.i.e.l.d." Speedy said starting up her sass. Did I mention she was sassy.

"I over power you, what makes me boss. This is my mission, my dad. And I'm not working with s.h.i.e.l.d, this is a 1 time thing, so don't get use to it." I'm fighting fire with fire. But sadly, if you do that, we all get burned.

"Intruders, intruders, intruders." Beeped something robotic.

Both me and Speedy shut up and turned around.

4 ba-jillion robots, painted black and red came at us like angry bees.

"This is your fault!" Speedy yelled at me.

"Me, who started it!" I yelled back.

She started punching and kicking robot heads. I sent electricity waves, making the robots explode. What I didn't mean to do was also hit Speedy, but it was kinda funny.

"Watch it" she yelled at the top of her lungs over the sounds of fighting.

One of the robots jumped on me as I was distracted by Speedy.

"Intruder, intruder, intrud...." It screamed in my face. When I was pinned to the floor. Then Speedy pushed it off me and made its head explode.

"Thanks" I said to her. But your not off the hook.

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