Chapter 26 { Escape }

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I've been in here for 5 long, boring, hours. All I can do is sit on my butt, and wait. I've had along time to think.

Maybe I should get Sam to help? But would my father kill him? Why did my father have a Nova helmet? His not a Nova is he? Why do I have to be here? Why am I just sitting here? Why is my father evil?

And so on.

Maybe there is some way I can get this collar off.

Now that's a plan.

There is nothing in the room. All but a door. And lights.

I wonder if this collar is powered by electricity? Maybe I can over power the collar and it explodes? Would my head come off? Would I get my powers back?

Well I don't really care, there isn't much to lose. Well maybe my head but what ever.

Are there cameras in here? Where did Kyle go?

Ok, so, the lights are run by electricity and so is the lock on the door. Which one do I go to? The lights might not be running on electricity. So let's go to the lock.

Oh, maybe it will open the door if I over power the lock and collar.

I tiptoe over to the door. Then I pull out a hair pin from under my hair. Yes I do use hair pins.

And pick the chains. Then I pick the screws from the wall. Took me about 5 minutes.

This is going to hurt a lot.

I stick the pin into a wire, and let me say, it was flowing with electricity.

A strong wave of electricity hits me at the speed of light. It hurts. A lot.

I'm starting to black out again, again, really.

Then my collar comes flying off. My vision starts to get back to normal slowly. Thank you healing powers.

I fall on my butt and start to get my breath back. Once I get out of this, I'm going to bed.

Then I hear shouting.

"She's escape!" random person said.

I scurry into the halls. I start running like any normal person would do. But I run into the 2 guards sadly.

I just freak out by their yelling, in some kind of language I don't know.

So I kinda throw them in the air, then smashed them into the window, and throw them in the air again. A little overboard I know but you can never be to safe.

I leap over them, then twirled. I don't know why, I just did.

I ran through the halls, this reminds me of something. But what?

As I run, I start to hear shouting, of about 5-12 people. I turn around and see about 9 guards, p.s not the shadow thingys. This guards have black armour with spikes and purple lining and spike helmet. I would totally be geeking out, if they didn't try and kill me.

The thought of spikes gave me an idea, I can harden the energy into crystal like things. I put my left foot forward, then raised my hands up, and crystals came up everywhere pinning the guards to the walls.

Then a ran, to what looked like a control centre.

I got on my knees and crawled around, as quite as I could.

I got as close to my father as I could, without being seen. I leaned my head to the wall and tried to listen to what he was taking about. A girl can get curious, but if your like me, curiosity killed the cat. I honestly don't care.

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