Chapter 14 { Truth }

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After explaining everything again to Sam.

Sam and I hung out his room. His room hasn't changed, it's still very messy. When I got to his room I told him the really truth but not totally. It looked like his eyes were popping out of his head, as I told him the truth, well almost the whole truth, I want to live out the power stuff. His questioned me why I didn't tell the truth in the first place.

After Sam calmed down, I opened the duffle bag, the one I got from my house, what is covered in those S.h.i.e.l.d people.

Sam eyed my fathers helmet, I wonder why, it's never really been worth anything. Sam picked up the shiny gold helmet with a red star.

"Where did you get this?" He said very surprised, like I found diamonds.

"It was my father's he has for like umm forever. It was in the garage." I replied casual. "Why, it's just a helmet I found in his things."

"I wonder why my father wouldn't let me touch it." I say under my breath. I was glad Sam didn't notice what I said.

"Did your father ever talk about Novas?" He said very strangely.

"I don't think so, but maybe, I feel like I've heard about it before." Hmm where have I heard that before.

Sam brings out a shiny black helmet with a red star like my fathers. I jump a little as the eyes sorta glow, when Sam touch the black helmet. Wait isn't that, no it couldn't be, could it?

"Umm, why do you have that? It looks like the helmet of that Nova that lives here. Wait, no way. You, Nova." How could he, how could he save the world, when he can't clean his own room.

He sighs.

"My father was a Nova and I think your father was one too." Sam said.

"What, pff..ha ha. Very funny Sam, but my father a Nova, no. Is this some joke or something?" This better be a joke.

"Here let me show you" Sam said before putting on the black helmet. Then a black Nova armor magical appeared on Sam. That freaked me out, so my powers just had to make an appearance. Please note the sarcasm again.

The next thing I know, me and Sam/Nova are in the outcast of Carefree.

Now it was Sam's time to freak out. He could help but just stare at me.

"Ahh did I forget to say I got powers, ahh hehehe." I say in the most embarrassing way I ever had done, why did life have to do this to me.

Well the truth is out.

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