Chapter 2 { New Boy }

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Sitting in my usual seat in the cafeteria, I munch on a grilled cheese sandwich. Still feeling a little dizzy from gym class, I try not to get sick.

Suddenly I boy in red t-shirt, brown hair, green eyes, and light skin sits across from me. Strangely looking at him, I notice I haven't seen him before.

Then before I could say anything he starts.

"Hi, name's Kyle" he said with a happy grin on his face.
I rely with "name's Robin nice to meet you" with a fake smile.

Wondering why the heck he was sitting with me, "are you new? cause no one really sits with me?"

"Ya just moved here and plus there's no where else to sit"

Realizing that the cafeteria was full and most of the seats where taken, I knew the answer to my question.

Then I stared back at Kyle. Something's wrong with him, I just. Don't know what.
Not knowing what to say, I say what pops into my mind.
"Hi" I say again for some reason.
"Hi" Kyle said back.

"So umm, what class do you have next?" I say just to break the silence.
"I think science class" Kyle said unsure.
Science class, don't I have science class next, digging through my bag, I find my note pad, and flip the pages, in till I find where I put my schedule. It's right there Wednesday, science class.

I look up at him, he was paying attention to my book than looked me in the eyes.

"Well looks like we have science class together" I say normally.
Then the bell ring for the end of lunch.

"To science class we go then!" saying to Kyle.

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