Chapter 6 { crystals }

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Walking up to surprise my eyes. Although I'm in pain, I try to ignore it, but it's so hard to ignore, all I hear is I'm hear beating. That's not good.

I look around and see a thousand beautiful blue crystals. Then I see sunlight, looks like I've been knocked out all night. Must have been some hard fall.

Trying to crawl to where the light was hitting, I try to ignore the pain more, still very hard to do. I rest on one of the crystal that light is hitting.

I lay Down next to it and try to get a breather. My leg is still bleeding a little, so I try to stop it. Now my hands are bloody. Great. Just. Great.

Some of my blood drops the crystal and the crystal starts to glow.

Suddenly, rocks started to cover me until I couldn't see anything but rocks. I tried to scream, but all I did was stand in silence. Then the rock crumbled off slowly, my heart was beating so fast, I couldn't keep track. Then the all the crystals exploded into dust. The explosions knocked me to the ground, my whole body just felt pain. My skin stared to faintly glow, but I could hardly tell I was blacking out again. Then everything when dark.

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