Chapter 21 { Profile }

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Ok time for the moment of truth, not really. I kinda stole my laptop from home and quickly brought it back to cabin, without being seen of course.

Looking back at the USB, I inserted it into the pug in. Or what ever people call it. I know what your thinking a pink and leopard print laptop really. Well don't judge a book by its cover, ha!

I start encrypting stuff, what takes forever by the way. Even with superpowers hacking isn't my strong point and its S.h.i.e.l.d I'm hacking into. I'm not Tony Stark, who can hack into anything.

P.S just because I know who he is, doesn't make me one of those stupid fan girls. Know I am a fangirl but not of Tony Stark. Got that.

After a week of encrypting all day and night. I finally found somethings.

I click on a file under specialist or what ever it was called. I found my name! So my curiosity clicked on the file fast. It read....

Name: Robin Melody Sliver
Age: 15
Born: August 27th 1998
Sex: Female
Eye colour: Hazel
Hair colour: brown
Blood type: Unknown
Medical record: none
Criminal record: none
Education: Blake Morres High School, Arts Academy, South Winged Elementary
Guardians: James Sliver and Melody Black
Race: Unknown
Threats list
Notes: Be cautious when apprehending, very dangerous. Can control electricity, teleport, and other things unknown. There isn't much on the parents. There isn't much on Miss Sliver.

Wow there isn't much on me or my parents strange. For S.h.i.e.l.d they need to step up there game.

How do they know my middle name, I hate my middle name it's so girly and it just reminds me of my mother.

I wonder why I have no medical records, strange.

Wait threats list! What did I do? Well yay I stole but this was made before that. What did I do?

What do they mean by Race? I'm human, right?

Well at least they know not to mess with me, I'm dangerous. Wait how is that good?

Great. I stole this for answers but all I got was questions. What do I do now?

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