Chapter 16 { House }

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Ok sorry guys I couldn't find anything that looked like the picture in my head at night, so image seeing this picture at night.

I was in control, but was I really? What else can I do? Why am I like this? Who was in my house? Where is my father? Why was S.h.i.e.l.d following me?

I totally was lost in thought, as I was sitting against the large rough tree.

This was all happening so fast, first I lost my father, then I got stabbed, wait! I quickly roll up my pants to the knee, I stared in disbelief, my leg was fully healed. I only got stabbed yesterday!!!

Ok, now my perfect world is gone again. Yay. Something else hit my mind, where was I going to go? I can't stay here in the open, I can't go home, there would be to many people there. It would be totally weird to stay at the Alexander's house, Sam would ask to many questions. So where will I go?

The sky got darker and the bright orange was gone. Out came shades of blue.

I'm going to have to find a place fast, it already dark, wait, how am I going to get there I can't see. I opened my hand and imagined a small, bright, glowing fire with colours of, red, orange, yellow, and a little white. Then I small fire burst when I opened my hand again. I could fell the nice warm heat on my face.

As I walk in circles, for what felt like hours, I finally found a small abandon house, in the middle of no where. I hope no one lives here or it would be really hard to explain.

I wondered though the small house, everything looked like it was made of wood, glass, or fabric, it was a nice style to the house, looked very humble. I turn off my small fire, I didn't want to burn this place down because of my mistakes.

After tripping on the old fashion rug in the dark, I found a small bed.

I dropped on the bed and snuggled into the sheets. They were nice and wooly.

As I closed my eyes I fell into the dream world very fast, takes me awhile to fall asleep, but it's been a long day.

The world begins to fade as I enter the dream world.

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