Chapter 24 { Fight in Paris and Hiden Rooms }

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I sat at the top of the Eiffel Tower, in my mind I replaying my life. I was once in a little happy family, look at me now.

First mom died. Then I lost my best friend. Moved to a school, where everyone hates me, I don't even know why. I lose dad. Get attached. Get powers that are fun but what happens if I lose control or it turns me into a monster. I'm running from what seems like everyone. I have like no way of finding dad. I lost my best friend again and I'm regretting every word I said. I can't go back in time and change this, I'm stuck like this.


If my life wasn't so weird, I would be enjoying this. The clear dark night sky. A thousand shining stars. The city lights. The breeze, flowing through my hair. And I'm in PARIS! I'm in Paris!

As I was lost in thought, I didn't have my guard up.

Something grabbed me by the arm and pulled me of the ledge. It was one of those shadow figures. Then 5 more appeared from the shadows, like a ghost.

This is creepy and what do they want with me.

The shadow who had my arm tried to pull me into the shadows. Well he can think again. If it is a he or a she or maybe a thing. Losing focus.

With my free arm, I swing a fire ball to their face. Making the shadow figure let go and stumble back.

Then 6 angry shadows came charging at me. Think. Think. Think.

I moved my hand and arm left to right once. Making a wave of light. The shadow figures faded away. Yes.

Then reformed. I'm guessing I said that too soon.

Before I could do anything, they shoot some kind of shadow arrows or daggers.

I was pinned to the bars of the tower.

I got lose, by electrically charging the arrows or daggers, then made them charge at the shadow figures. It hit 2 of them. This time they where gone.

2 down 4 more to go.

I took in a deep breath. This might take awhile.

I did a flip, sending crazy lights at the shadows. 5 years of gymnastics by the way.

This time they smarted up. They shifted their tall creepy body's, around my attacks. Them reformed.

Looks like that's not going to work.

The leader. Don't ask how I know, cause I don't know either. Made a dark wave of dark energy, my way.

That's a big No No in my book.

The dark energy send me flying to the way. Ow that hurt.

I was laying there on the floor. The 4 shadows shrouded me. The leader, made his arms into spikes. Slowly walking up to me. This is not how I die!

I sent a dark wave of energy, the same kind of energy they were using.

The dark shadows crashed against the wall and faded away.

I looked at my hands thinking. How was the possible, I thought I could only use light, fire, and electrify things. I thought I mastered my powers.

What am I? What are those shadow things? Where is my father? I need answers.

No. First I need to take a quick break. I need to breath too. It can't just be action and drama.

I walk over to the wall and sit against it. Then I kinda passed out.

3 Hours Later

I woke up to a beautiful orange, pink, blue, and purple sunrise. Good thing no one is here.

1 Teleport Later

I was back in my house. Well it's not my house anymore, it's know the banks, because no one was there to pay the bills. I know silly right.

I ran up the stairs, into my father's room. I looked everywhere for about an hour. Then I gave up and leaned against the wall and hear a crack.

I start knocking on the wall. It echoed, it was hollow.

I closed my eyes and felt the energy in the room. There was a box behind the closet. I lend on the closet to push it over to the right.

Then it got my eye. A panel that looked the same as the wall.

I opened up the panel, in their was a small chest with a memorizing and strange pattern. It was really pretty

Of course I tried to open it but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.

I tried stocking it, didn't work. Of course.

Well that's all the secrets in this room.

I headed down into the basement, where dad spend all his time.

There was a heavy guard lock on the door.

I tried picking, shocking, and blasting. Still didn't work. Yet again.

Then I lend against the door. I couldn't get in.

I felt something burning in my chest. I looked to my necklace my father gave me. Omg, It was GLOWING!!!

Then an idea came to mind. I put my necklace up to the door and it opened. I flicked the lights on.

YES! I'm in. That was so cool. I did a little victory dance. Stupid, I know. By I don't care.

Then I stop my victory dance, the room was empty. Why? It's was just a plan empty concrete room.

It didn't look like S.h.i.e.l.d got in, the lock was a cover up. Why was the lock a cover up? What does my family have to hide? How is it empty? Dad spent hours in here, it couldn't be empty. No one got in but me, so why is it empty? What am I missing?

I was very confused now.

Well at least I have this cheat. Let's try to open it with my necklace.

I put my necklace up to the lock of the chest and it glowed. It was unlocked.

I slowly opened it. I sat on my knees. Inside was a book, weird clothing, passports, more books, jewelry, and a book with log on to of it.

I pulled the log out and opened to the first page.

May 23rd 1993

I crashed onto earth. Systems were failing after breaking out of prison. I met a young woman named Melody Black, who let me stay at her house, think I was hurt. Time to active step 1 of the plan.

I was truly shocked after reading that.

What did he mean by crashing? Why was he in prison, have I been living with a criminal my hole life? What did he mean my step 1!?!?!

"Know that you saw that, your going to have to come with me." I quickly look up to see my father. He looked way darker than he had ever been, he's face was blank. It was hard to see his brown hair but it looked darker somehow.

Then everything when black and I hit the floor. Then I blacked out.

__________________________________________________________________________________ I will be putting more fighting, I just need to get the back story back first. What I'm still doing, haha. As you have notice I've been making this chapters longer. Hope you like that. I update about once a week. I will more in the summer but I have to wait till June 30th, nooooooooooo. I know you guys must hate me for leaving you like this, but to me I'm like, wahahahahaha 😈. So I've been thinking of other books. Hint one is about werewolves and the other is about Green Lanterns. Hope you enjoy my book. 💙💛💙💛💙 <-- Hearts to you all.

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