12 - Thanksgiving

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The sound of knocks on my door startle me awake from my nap. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I go to the door, looking to see who is here now. Through the peephole I can see blonde hair and a pastel teal sweater, I know exactly who this is.

I open the door and greet Leo, he walks in and we embrace in a short hug as I guide him to the kitchen island. He takes a seat as I start the last of my food. I grab a bag of potatoes and put about 10 in a strainer to wash them before peeling them. Leo strikes up a conversation as I do this.

"So, when is the rest of your family arriving?" He questions, probably wanting to fill the silence.

"I think my mom is getting here at around 2:30 and Kevin is coming with Karen at 3 since my mom is helping cook since she is bringing carrots and my siblings don't have anything to cook so we have about 30 minutes anyone else arrives," I reply as I finish peeling the potatoes. I throw away the potato skin while Leo continues the conversation. "Well, what about your dad?"

I pause, I haven't seen my dad since I moved out.

"Oh uhm..." I struggle to find words and I can see Leo understands that my dad isn't exactly a topic I enjoy talking about. "Oh, I'm sorry Ken! I didn't know your dad was a sore subject, you don't have to say anything you don't want to," I turn around and see his soft, reassuring smile and my face instantly softens. "Thanks, Leo. It's just hard to talk about."

I continue making my mashed potatoes, boiling them in a big pot and going to sit next to Leo while I wait to take them out and mash them. "How come you aren't spending today with your family?" I ask. Leo's face sort of drops at the question but he answers not too long after.

"Well, before I moved here my parents sort of kicked me out before I even graduated. I had no money or a place to stay and they cut contact with me, they blocked my phone number and all my social media accounts, they disowned me. Eventually I found a place to stay and got a job just before school ended and stayed until I had the money to buy a place. I was able to come here by hitching a ride with a friend who was visiting family. I stayed in a motel for a couple weeks until I finally was able to buy my shop and get moved in and situated. But ever since then I haven't seen my parents or any of my family for that matter." He tells the story with sadness but doesn't let it bother him too much. I feel bad for him, no one deserves that, especially someone as sweet at Leo.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did they kick you out?" I ask in genuine curiosity and concern.

"Uhm, they kicked me out cause they found out I'm bisexual, um well, at the time, bi-curious," he nervously laughs as he avoids eye contact.

"Well that's a stupid reason to disown your kid," is the only thing I say after a couple moments of stunned silence. "I mean, what does it matter that you like guys? Does it personally affect them? No, it doesn't, so they're stupid for disowning you." He looks up at me, wide-eyed and positively shocked at my statement.

"You don't think I'm weird for liking guys?" He almost whispers it out. I furiously shake my head. "No, no never! I mean, I have a couple friends who like guys, so I won't judge you for it," I respond, he looks at me in some way that I could almost call admiration but not quite.

We look into each other's eyes, almost searching for something in each other, I feel myself slowly inching closer to Leo. I don't know why but it just feels right. He mirrors my movements as his eyes sort of flutter.

There's a sudden knock at the door as we both jump at the noise, I head to the door and open it, greeting my mother with a flustered expression. She's holding a bag of carrots and is wearing her Sunday best. It's just a plaid button up and her regular jeans but it's the best she has.

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