6 - Stark's Pond

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The movie had just ended and Leo was clapping. I don't know why, though but you do you I guess. Just as I was getting up to leave, I hear that one FNAF song and can't help the laugh I let out. It was funny enough that MattPat was in the movie but this? It was hilarious!

Leo gets up and starts giggling as he practically bounces over to me. "OH MY GOD! Ken! They used the song!" His excitement is infectious and I just look at him and chuckle. "Yeah, I know. C'mon, let's go," and I grab his hand to drag him out the showing room and into the lobby.

"So, did you like it?" I ask, although I know the answer. "YES! It was so good! I liked how Scott let MattPat play in the movie. That was pretty cool," he exclaims as we throw out our trash and head outside. "Well, it's getting late so I should probably head home," I say as I check the time. It's about 8 and I should honestly be getting home soon. Leo looks a little disappointed but agrees. "Yeah, I should, too. I can walk you to your car, if you want?" He says it more as a question and I give him a small, inviting smile.

We head back to the now closed coffee shop. Leo and I stop outside my car, I'm about to get in before he stops me, resting a hand on my shoulder. I turn around in slight confusion before he speaks. "Hey, thanks for hanging out with me, Ken. Not even just today, but in general. I really appreciate and enjoy your company," he smiles with sincerity before pulling me into a quick hug. Once he lets go, I catch a quick glimpse of his face in the dim light of the street lamps to see a tinge of pink. He quickly leaves to his own car, wishing a farewell before getting in and driving off.

I'm just stuck there, not quite knowing what just happened. I reach a hand up to my face and gingerly touch my check. It feels warm.

Then it hits me.

Hits me like a freight train.

A memory from the other night.

It's not much but it leaves me a a sort of dizzy state. It's just a memory of Leo and I making mixed drinks with that vodka before he stumbles and falls on me. I catch him. The thought of it leaves me feeling... strange? Bubbly? I don't know how to describe it. I shake it off and get in my car. Driving away to my apartment.

After I finally get home, I just fall on my bed. My head hurts. I'm so confused by what's happened in the last 30 minutes. Why did Leo hug me? Why did he tell me a whole short monologue about us hanging out? Why did that memory affect me so much. And why do I feel so strange about all this?

Too many questions, not enough answers.

I groan into my pillow. I don't want to think about this anymore. Despite the fact I said I should be home, I get up and grab my old parka and a pair of head phones. I slip on the parka and turn on my headphones. I head out the apartment again and downstairs to the lobby.

I want to get my mind off everything.

I turn on one of my playlists on Spotify, almost instantly, Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz starts playing in the headphones as I walk out the lobby and outside once again.

I don't know where I'm going, I just walk. I pass buildings and businesses and houses of old friends. Not many people are out now, but the ones that are, are definitely enjoying themselves. People are drinking, smoking, openly declaring their love in weird acts of PDA, and other things I would rather not participate in. I simply keep my head down and keep going.

So I walk.

And walk.

And walk.

Until I stop walking.

I didn't realize it but I've walked straight to Stark's Pond. No one's around so I decide to stay.

I sit on the one lone, rotting bench and stare at nothing in particular. I more so just daydream and let my mind wander with the music. The song changes to This Charming Man by The Smiths. I like the song, it's sort of upbeat and fun but the lyrics tell a sort of different story. I like that.

I nod my head to the music and decide to lay down on the bench, staring up at the stars. It was relaxing. I ended up laying there for nearly an hour before I decided I had been there long enough and got up to leave.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started walking home, keeping my head down as to avoid the people who had just become even rowdier since I had gotten to the pond.

Dark Red by Steve Lacy started playing and I immediately went to turn it up as the opening beat flowed out my headphones.

Guess the song was foreshadowing what was about to happen because not long after, I hear a loud screech and look up just in time to see the headlights of a car right in front of me.

Just my luck.

The car hits me and I feel the sudden splintering pain of getting ran over. I hear a faint scream and my vision goes black.

I'm dead once again.

Words: 930


I wasn't able to update all week and I took Saturday and Sunday to focus on getting back all the sleep I've been missing out on the last couple of weeks.


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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