8 - Remember

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I wince at the loud and unexpected scream that Leo lets out. When he stops I just look at him in pure confusion before I speak. "What the hell's wrong? Why did you just scream when you saw me?" But I don't get an answer. Leo just looks at me, still as a statue. Pale as one, too.

It takes a moment before he finally stutters out "I-I... You... I th-thought you were..." and he trails off and I'm even more confused now. I cock my head to the side and take a step forward, he steps back. "Thought I was what??" The concern and confusion evident on my voice, my face one of worry and questioning.

He sighs and straightens himself. "Just a m-moment, Ken. I... think th-this conversation would be best in... private." He walks to the front door, locking it and turning around the open sign. Safe to say I'm even more confused now. He comes back and hesitantly grabs my wrist before pulling me into the back room and sitting me at a table with a pot of marigolds.

He sits across from me and stares intently at me. I am so fucking confused. He finally speaks up. "Ok, so... I might sound crazy but I need to say this..." I nod my head along and he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before sighing and continuing. "Last night I was at home after we had parted at the coffee shop. I was outside watering my plants when I saw someone walk by on the side walk." He breathes in deeply before continuing.

"That person was you, and I was going to say hi to you before something happened..." my eyes widen. If this is going where I think it is... but there's no way, no one ever remembers. Ever.

"There was a loud screech. I saw it all happen. It was so fast. One second you were just walking and the next, you had been ran over by a car. I screamed so loud. I was terrified and- I just- it was horrible." And I watch as a few stray tears roll down his soft cheeks. I place a gentle hand on his shoulder, he looks up and we make eye contact. I sigh and retract my own hand.

"I don't think you're crazy." Now he looks shocked and confused. "But how? You obviously couldn't have died, you're sitting right in front of me. You're not a ghost." He laughs the last part out, probably trying to convince himself of the fact.

"I think I need to tell you something. But I'm the one who'll sound crazy afterwards." He nods and I continue with my head down. "When I was a baby, my parents were in a cult. They used me as a sacrifice because they just wanted the free beer. Little did they know, the sacrifice would result in me becoming... immortal." I look back up at him in the eyes.

"That's- no, that's impossible," he breathes out shakily. I simply shake my head at him.

"I wish it was, but sadly, it's true." His face is one of sympathy and concern. "Anyways, that basically means that I can die over and over again but I never stay dead. Sometimes I go to heaven, or I go to hell, or I just sit in a blank, black void. But no matter what, no matter how or when I died, I always wake up in my bed as if nothing happened."

"That's horrible. Why has no one ever done anything?" He genuinely looks like he sympathizes with me. I shake my head once again.

"That's the worst part. No one ever remembers. No matter if they saw me die or not. I've tried telling my friends before, I even fucking shot myself in front of them. But they didn't even remember!" My voice gets a little louder before Leo gets up, he comes around the table and wraps me in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I can't imagine how horrible that is," he pauses for a moment, "I don't think you're crazy, though." I wrap my arms around him and we just sit there in a comfortable silence for a while. Eventually we let go and he goes to sit back down.

"Well, what did you originally come here for?" He asks and I realize I never did get to that.

"Oh, uhm, well. I got us some tea," I let out as I pull the bag with the teas out and put it on the table. "I didn't know what kind you wanted so I just got sweet tea, cause you're so sweet," I mumble the last part, not even intending on saying it out loud. "...What?" Leo just looks at me and I laugh nervously.

"Haha, uh, what?" I say as I feel my face flush in embarrassment. Smooth move me, totally not suspicious at all.

"Okay... well thanks for the tea, Ken! I actually really like sweet tea." He opens his bottle and starts drinking it, I copy his movements. "Glad to know I was right then." He puts down his bottle and stares at me. "Anything else?"

Suddenly, I'm hit with a familiar feeling. I blink my eyes and a memory washes over me. This time, it's me and Leo in my living room on the couch, he's laying with his legs on mine and ranting about how stupid the main character in the horror movie is while I watch with lidded eyes and a big smile. He stops and looks over, giving me a big grin. The memory ends and I'm brought back to reality to Leo saying my name over and over again.

"Ken!" I shake my head and look at him. "Uh, yeah? Sorry I- I spaced out," I itch the back of my neck as I look at him with a small, apologetic smile. "It's fine, you were just kinda out of it for a minute, thought you died or something." He laughed and I smile along.

"Nope, but I should probably get going," I say and stand up, grabbing my tea. "Bye, Leo, after work tomorrow you should stop by my place, Tweek's is closed so I have no work tomorrow." He nods and bids me farewell, I wave at him as I leave the back room and go to the front door, unlocking it and heading outside. I start the walk back to my apartment.

I think about that memory I just got from that night. I have a feeling that those are gonna be happening a lot more often now.

Words: 1117

A lot of dialogue this time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Not much else to say, have a good day guys.

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