4 - What Happened?

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I open my eyes and have to squint at the bright light. Everything is so blurry and way too bright. Ugh, my head is spinning I think to myself while bringing my hand up to my head. I sit up and notice that I'm not in my room, I'm in the living room.

"What happened..?" I mumble to myself. Just then, I notice that Leo's laying next to me, his legs sprawled over mine in a weird, spidery way. I slowly and gently move him so that I can get up without waking him. It, seemingly, works and I head to the kitchen and take a couple painkillers for my head before heading back to the living room and sitting back down to try and remember what happened last night.

Bits and pieces fly through my head too fast for me to fully grasp and I just end up giving up on trying to remember. I see a couple cups on the table, one empty and the other about a quarter full, along with an empty glass of vodka and the plates from last nights dinner. I groan out in my own stupidity. Of course I fucking got out alcohol in front of Leo, of course I'm fucking hung over, and of course it resulted in him staying over.

I breathe in and out to calm down and look over at him on the couch and back down at the table. I really hope I didn't do anything stupid last night. I check my phone and see that it's 10:47 and internally freak out a bit. I was supposed to be at work nearly an hour ago!

I text Tweek and say that I feel sick and won't be coming in and apologize for the super late text, he says that he doesn't mind because someone is coming in later for the school rush and its slow right now anyways. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, thankful he's not mad at me.

I set my phone back down and look over at Leo, he's tossing and turning, likely awake but wanting to go back to the blissfully painless sleep. After about ten minutes of this, I guess he gives up and just groans and sits up.

"Hey, you're finally up! Hope you rested well," I tell him and he just looks at me with pure confusion and pain on his face, squinting his eyes. "What happened? My head feels like someone is drilling into it from all angles." He brings his hand up to his head, as if it would help much. I sigh and respond with "Your guess is as good as mine, I can't remember shit from last night. I think we both had some vodka though," I get up and grab the pain killers and bring him some.

He groans even louder at the mention of the vodka and I can almost swear I heard him mumble 'shit' under his breath. He takes the painkillers and swallows them and just lays back down. "Is it ok if I stay here until I feel like I can actually function?" He asks in a slightly sarcastic tone. I agree of course and turn on a TV show to have on quietly in the background as I tidy up a bit and close all the blinds because the lights still feel too bright.

Eventually, Leo sits back up and starts watching whatever show I put on. He asks for something to drink and I bring him so water and join him on the couch. We share the blanket as the show on the TV continues, we make short comments and discuss the plot. Eventually we get bored and just discuss other topics instead, somehow getting to the topic of games we played in our childhood.

"Yeah! Back in elementary school and the first year or two of middle school me and my friends would play superheroes. We got so into that we would actually fight real criminals and tried getting money for our 'franchise'." He laughs and adds in "Oh, that sounds like what I used to do when I was little! I would pretend to be an evil supervillain named Professor Chaos. I wasn't very good at being evil though." We both laughed and just went on and on.

"Oh, and one time, god this is so messed up, one time, this kid named Cartman had this kids parents he didn't like killed and fed to that kid in a chili." Leo looked at me in utter shock and pure terror. "That's not even all of it," I stated and he looked horrified. "He later found out that that kid was his half brother and he was the one responsible for killing his own father! But he only cared that his dad was a ginger and not that he had fucking killed him." "Oh my god," was the only thing he could say in response to that story.

"Yeah, Cartman was a super fucked up kid. He's still like that now but.." I trail off and end up not finishing that sentence. Leo understands that I don't want to discuss this anymore and changes the topic once again.

° ° °

It's been a few hours and Leo decided to leave, saying he needed to get home and water his plants. I take him downstairs and see him out. After his leaves, I head back upstairs and take a shower.

After I get changed, I clean everything up and grab a snack. I think of what happened today and smile.

I think me and Leo will be great friends.

Words: 943

I feel better now! But I have like no time to write the rest of this week cause of band and theater shit. I'll try to get a chapter out tomorrow so I don't have to wory about this weekend.

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