3 - Stay For Dinner?

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It's 5:02 now, I don't really know what to do so I decide that I should probably clean the dishes. I head to the kitchen and open the dishwasher, turn on the sink, and pre-rinse the dirtier of the dishes. I put them in the dishwasher and start it when I'm done.

I go back to my living room and sit on the couch. After a few minutes pass, I groan out "Ugh, I'm so fucking bored," and drag my hands down my face. "Ok, that's it," and I stand up and look around. I spot the buttercups that I put on the window sill and an idea pops into my head.

I'll ask if Leo wants to stop by! It's perfect, he was so easy to talk with, I'm sure it'll work if he does come over.

Its Wednesday so the shop closes at 6, that means I still have around 40 minutes until he's free. I'll go ahead and text him then.

Hey its Kenny
Was wondering if you wanted
to stop by for a bit after work?

I put my phone in my pocket and wait for a response from him, heading to my room and clean up some trash and toss my laundry in the laundry room. I hear a DING! and check my phone, he texted me back.

Sure! I'll be there probably
around 6:30
Whats your address?

I let a small smile slip and text him back.

I live in the apartments near
the movie theater on
Johnston Road
Text me when ur here tho,
i have to let you up myself

Ok, thanks Ken

I decide to do my laundry before he gets here, after that's done I turn on the TV and watch some docu series on Netflix about the most "Haunted places in America," but kind of tune it out.

The time passes and Leo eventually texts me that he's here so I tell him I'll be down in a minute. I turn off the show and go back to the main menu on my TV, put my phone away and head out and down to the lobby of the building.

I see Leo at the front desk of the small lobby and come up next to him. I greet the girl behind the desk and let her know he can come up with me, she nods and we leave towards the elevator.

"I'm glad you could come, I haven't had anything to do all day since I left your shop and got so bored," I chuckle. The elevator reaches my floor and we get off, me leading the way to my apartment. I unlock the door and let Leo in, he looks around and I go to the couch, he follows and sits down too.

"So, what do you want to do, Ken?" He asks me, I think. "Well, we could watch a movie, play a game, or build a puzzle? I really don't have much dude," he stares at me blankly then suddenly just says "That's sad man," and we both just bust out in laughter. "Leo, dude, you are fucking hilarious," I chuckle out when I finally get ahold of myself. Was it actually that funny out of context? Probably not, but that doesn't matter.

"Thanks, also can we play a game? What do you have?" He asks and I get up and go to my board game area. "Uh, Uno, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Monopoly, Connect 4, and... what the hell is this?" I say the last part more go myself and I pull out a game called 'Shopkin's Supermarket Scramble' and stare at it. I vaguely recall buying this to play with Karen a few years ago, I didn't know I still had it though.

Leo laughs and says we should play it, I shrug and bring it over and set it on the coffee table and take everything out of the box. "I can't even remember how to play this game," I say and start to read the instructions and we start playing.

° ° °

"NO! I LOST!" I yell out and I hear Leo double over in laughter at my rage. "Hah! That 3-0, Ken, I am the Shopkin's champion!" and he laughs again, throwing his arms in the air. We both just laugh for a bit, enjoying the moment.

Leo sighs and asks the time, I check my phone and say "Uh, it's 7:26," I look back up from my phone and see him looking a little upset. "Oh, I should probably go then, I don't wanna intrude for too long haha." He goes to leave but I grab his wrist before he can. He looks at me with slight shock and I simply ask "Stay for dinner?"

He sighs and agrees with a smile. I return the smile and head to the kitchen to start dinner. "What do you want to eat?" He comes up next to me. "What do you have?" I look in the pantry for anything that looks appealing to eat. "Macaroni, mashed potatoes, corn, beans, and we can have steak fingers for the main part if that sounds good to you." I look at him and he says it's fine.

I get the oven preheated and we decide on corn and mashed potatoes for the sides. Leo helps me cook everything and it comes out great. We get out the plates and sit down on the couch, we decide to watch a movie so I turn one on for us to watch while we eat, making little comments here and there to make each other laugh.

Words: 940

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