9 - Nervous

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I've been tossing and turning in my bed for around an hour now, not wanting to get out of bed. I'm so comfortable and still feel so tired. Eventually, I get bored and turn to my phone, checking the time. It's 11:49 am, Leo gets off at 5 so I have to think of something to do in the meantime. I can probably go to the grocery store, I need to get some groceries anyways.

I decide that that's a great idea, throwing off the covers. I grab some clean clothes; a Nirvana shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I comb my hair and brush my teeth before walking into the kitchen I walk around and write whatever I need on a list. When I finally finish I stuff it in my pocket, grab my jacket and throw it on, and grab my car keys.

The town had a new Walmart built a couple years ago, everyone seemingly had forgotten about the old Walmart that "took over the town." The people here are so stupid.

I pull into the parking lot and start my grocery hunt.

° ° °

I finally got back to my apartment. I was at the store for about an hour because I couldn't find anything, they had rearranged the entire store again! I swear they do that shit on purpose.

I was able to carry all my groceries up in one trip and set them all on my kitchen island. After I set them down I start putting all my groceries away where they belong. It's about 1:30 now. I don't know what to do.

I sigh and decide to go take a nap.

° ° °

I yawn after I wake up, stretching out my arms and legs. I get out of bed and go back to my kitchen, my phone in hand. It's 3:28 now. My stomach grumbles reminding me that I haven't eaten today. I grab a bag of pizza rolls and start the oven, putting the pizza rolls on a cookie sheet. I wait for the oven to preheat. When it's finally done, I put the pizza rolls in and set the timer. I sit on the couch and wait, watching that show I was watching yesterday.

The timer rings and I go turn off the oven. I pull out the pizza rolls and put them on top of the oven to let them cool.

After 10 minutes, I grab a plate and put the pizza rolls on it along with some ranch. I go back to the couch and eat the pizza rolls while watching my show.

° ° °

It's 5:02 now. Leo will be here any minute. I put my dishes away. I made sure I looked nice earlier, too. Regardless, my leg was still bouncing up and down like crazy.

Ugh, why am I so nervous? It's just Leo. He won't care how I look... I hope.

I shake my head, trying to rid myself of these nervous thoughts. I stand up and start tidying the already clean apartment, even deciding to hand wash the dishes in my sink so I don't have to leave the one plate and cookie sheet in there. Why am I doing this? I think to myself as I dry the dishes and put them away.

There's a sudden knock at the door and I actually jump at it, so startled at the sudden noise. I head to the door, taking a deep breath in before opening the door with a wide smile. Leo stands there with a bag in one hand and a small smile on his face.

"Hey Leo," I move aside and he walks in. "What's in the bag?" I ask pointing to the bag after closing the door. "Oh! Uhm, I wanted to repay you for the tea yesterday so I got you something in return," he responds as he pulls out a tub with a few cupcakes inside. He passes them to me and I look at them.

"They're red velvet with a white chocolate flavored icing. I hope you like them." He smiles at me and I just stare at them with my mouth open. I'm positive I'm drooling at this point. I look up at him. "These will be gone by tomorrow." He laughs, little does he know, I'm not joking.

I put the tub of cupcakes on my island and we sit on the couch. We pass the time by watching movies and talking. We don't really focus on the movie at all, only focusing on each other. Before we know it, it's 8:30.

"Oh shit, man. It's 8:30, how did so much time pass?" I let out, shocked at my new found information. Leo looks just as shocked as me, then looks up and just laughs. "Well, I guess time passes quickly when you're with people you like." And I feel my stomach turn. My face heats up and I don't know why. I smile and agree, but a little nervous now. Did he see my face change? Did he sense my mood change? Why am I freaking out?!

He goes back to the movie, meanwhile I feel the familiar sensation of a memory from the first time he came over.

"You know, the-the girl in that movie was so stupid? Like, she hid behind a curtain a-and didn't expect to be found immediately. So dumb," Leo slurs out. He's not completely drunk but definitely a little tipsy. I just nod along, he's sitting next to me. Really close actually. I have both my arms on the back of the couch and feel a sudden weight drop onto my side. I look over and it's Leo. He's leaned up against my side giggling about something.

I snap out of it, shaking my head a bit to help. "Ugh, those are so weird..." I mutter to myself. Leo looks over a little confused but I just give reassuring smile and he looks away with pink-tinted cheeks. The night continues with us finishing the movie. At around 10 Leo announces that he should be off and I stand up with him. I escort him out my door, but before he leaves, he hugs me tightly. Before I can react he lets go and waves before sort of rushing down the hall and to the elevator. I'm left speechless and with warm cheeks. I walk back in my apartment.

I sit on my bed once I get to my room and just think. Things have been so weird ever since I met Leo. What is happening to me? I ignore my questions and get ready for bed, slipping into a blissful sleep.

Words: 1117

I hate this chapter.

I left a picture of Kenny's apartment btw. Thought that might be helpful. I left some notes on the side to help me remember certain details. Sorry if my handwriting sucks 😭

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