Chapter 25 (Heroux): Every Last One

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Every night that I wasn't with Odette, I ended up at the bench she had always found me at during the annual Christmas party. I'd walk past it with Wooble and Pilot running excitedly around me on our nightly walks, the two of them darting ahead and then coming back to me with an offering of a stick. After throwing them their sticks for half an hour, we'd all wander back to the bench and they'd throw themselves down on the ground while I looked out across my land.

Wishing Odette would stop by.

After reading her diaries, memories of meeting her played at the edge of my mind. Nothing solid, just vague impressions that I tried to bring back into sharper focus, wanting to remember. If only people we met in our pasts came with a sign: Pay attention! This person will be important to you in the future!

Newton's advice to speak to Odette from my heart and to speak to her heart would come to me at odd times throughout the day. It was a sign I was working on solving a puzzle as to how best to follow his counsel. It frustrated me because the more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn't change what I'd done. I could only change the way I'd behave going forward but that didn't do anything to address the wrongs I'd inflicted.

On one particular night, I'd been leaning forward on the bench, elbows on my knees, hands loosely clasped, looking out at the sunset, thinking about Odette. Wooble was stretched out on his side at my feet, and Pilot suddenly sat up and nosed at my hands, looking up at me with his brown eyes.

"You ready to tell me the secret of your life yet, boy?" I asked him, scratching him behind the ear.

We weren't sure what his previous home situation was like since he was found on the streets, but he shied away from people with beards. If you are paying to read this story, you are reading a story stolen from the author, groveltohea, who has it for free on wattpad. I'd told every vampire on staff with a beard or mustache to shave so Pilot wouldn't be scared. When I stopped scratching him, he lifted a paw, setting it on my knee, as if to say hey! I didn't give you permission to stop!

"You're just starved for love, aren't you?" I asked him, then stilled.

It dawned on me that the answer was right under my nose, with the dogs pointing the way. I'd been lonely, missing my wife, and the dogs helped me to not only feel closer to Odette, they helped lift my mood, helped dispel some of the loneliness I felt without her. The dogs loved me, making me feel like I wasn't a complete disaster as a vampire, that despite all evidence based on my past behavior, I still had some worth.

Dogs didn't ask for much. Food. Water. A cozy bed. They didn't want much. Belly scratches. Pats on the head. Treats. But most of all, more than anything, they just wanted love. They not only responded to love, they gave it back just as hard.

Odette loved dogs because, without question, they loved her back as much as she loved them. Their love was pure, maybe the purest thing on earth. It was simple, straightforward and unwavering. Their loyalty was unquestionable.

Given the way Odette had been raised, she'd never experienced unconditional love. She got nothing from her parents and siblings except evil and hatred. When she began volunteering at the shelter, the dogs must have been an entirely foreign world to her. An oasis for her battered heart. A break from the constant degradation. A chance to love and be loved. And who is more grateful for love than a dog? There was no danger of her love being ignored or abused. It was safe within that little dog heart.

Closing my eyes, I imagined her face the first time she snuggled a dog and heard him whine softly into her neck, tail wagging at the speed of light. For the first time, Odette gave her love and it was not only accepted but returned ten fold. I felt like I could feel the way her heart had burst open with happiness as she realized life held some beauty, and she could hold it in her hands.

That was the way I needed to love Odette. Unconditionally, regardless of whether she loved me back or not. To show her she had my complete loyalty, my unwavering devotion. That I'd be there for her, no matter what. That I wouldn't leave and I'd always have her back. I needed to show her that, going forward, her love would be safe with me, within my heart. I had to give her back the hope of love that I'd taken away.

That would begin with little steps I'd have to take, despite her still not talking with me. I was grateful she allowed me to feed and release with her. Ten days without her had put me at the Hunger's limit before, with Newton coming home with me every night and locking me in my safe room. After day six without Odette, we'd decided I needed to remain in the safe room until further notice, and he'd have guards bring me food to keep me contained. The ride to the plane to go to her was made in a cage, and I remained in there on the plane and on the way to the hotel. Newton threw a moving blanket over the cage as he used a dolly to take me right to her hotel room door. Once I was near her, I'd promised Newton I could contain the Hunger, so he'd uncaged me and retreated to the end of the hallway with guards -- Just in case, Heroux -- until she let me into her room.

The Hunger wanted blood, and I just wanted to be near Odette. I'd travel around the world in a cage if I had to just to be near her.

The night after my revelation about how I needed to love her began typically. I greeted Odette and the pups, fed from her, then we released and she wanted me to go. But tonight I planned to start addressing all the ways I'd hurt her and let her down.

My wife always walked me to her hotel room door, enjoying the act of opening it and sending me away, I thought. This night was like all the others; we walked to the door, but before she could open the door and kick me out, I moved right behind her. Pressing my hand half on the door and half on the door frame, I kept it closed, my front skimming Odette's back so I could speak into her ear and she wouldn't have to look at me.

"Odette, you told me that you used to think I was someone special, but you had to downgrade your opinion of me because of my cruelty. But the opposite can be true, too. As you get to know someone, they can become more and more of everything to you. The more you feel for someone, the more they become the only person you can see, the more they become the most to you. The most beautiful. The most intelligent. The most fascinating. The most kind. The most beloved."

She didn't move, but on the plus side, that meant she wasn't throwing elbows.

"You're all of that to me, Odette. The most beautiful, stunning woman I know. The most entertaining, fascinating person who makes me laugh and smile. The most intelligent woman who makes me think about all of my previously held beliefs and consider new ways of looking at life. You've become my everything."

I backed away, and without looking at me, without saying anything, she opened the door so I could leave.

Patience, Heroux. You hurt Odette for eighteen months. This isn't going to happen until you show her she's safe with you.

Two nights later, I was back, but this time, the message at the door wouldn't be as easy for me to deliver.

"Odette," I said to her as she held the door open, and I gently touched her cheek so she'd look up at me. "I need you to come back home. I'm not asking you to give up adventuring, not at all. But I do need you to come home for about a week, starting on Monday. You and Hugo."

"Why?" Her eyes were wary, as if she knew what I was going to say and dreaded it.

"Your family's going on trial, and you and Hugo are the key witnesses."

"They won't be happy if I give testimony against them."

"It won't matter," I promised her, hating that she'd started shaking. "Because once they're found guilty, I'm going to kill every last one of them so they'll never hurt you again."

Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

The Vampires #2: Heroux and OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now