Chapter 3 (Odette): Checkmate

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA


From the diary of Odette Vautour, age 11

I saw Heroux last night at the Twelve's Christmas gathering. My family had never allowed me to go to a party before, but this year my mother and father said I had to attend because the Alarie had invited the whole family. I even got a new green dress. Kind of. It was one my cousin Daylin had worn two years ago but I didn't even care because I felt pretty in the dress and I did spins in my room to watch the skirt puff out. Then, when my family called me to leave, both my mother and father pinched me hard on the arms to tell me to behave. Basse laughed at my dress and said with my face and the color of the dress, I looked like a frog and he made croaking noises. My parents laughed with him and then we all left and I wasn't so excited anymore. When we got to the Alarie's big house, I looked all around at the tables of food and couldn't wait to sneak to the dessert tables when Maman's attention wasn't on me. I wandered around the downstairs, then I went outside and their gardens were so beautiful I wanted to live there forever. I followed a path through the gardens and saw Heroux sitting on a bench all by himself. I turned to leave but he said I didn't have to because he was about to go back to the party. I want to write down our whole conversation so I never forget it because it was so wonderful.

Heroux: Sometimes it's nice to just get away for a few minutes, you know?

Me: Yes. I know. I'm sorry I bothered you.

Heroux: It's fine. They'll probably be looking for me anyway.

Me: Probably.

Heroux: You should get back, too. Don't waste your new party dress out here.

Me: It's not new.

Heroux: It doesn't matter. You look ready for Christmas.

Me: Thank you.

Heroux: Merry Christmas to you.

Me: Merry Christmas, Heroux.

I don't think I ever felt so happy in all my life.

As it turned out, I was not late to dinner. I'd come running into his house at six thirty and then quickly showered, twisted my wet hair into a sleek bun and threw on a simple black, long-sleeved dress. Slipping on my shoes, I ran down the staircase at six fifty-seven.

Heroux was waiting for me in the parlor off the dining room.

"It's custom to have a drink before dinner," he said. "But now we have no time."

"Oh," I said. I'd heard some families did that, some of the more traditional ones. "Well, I don't drink, so I haven't missed anything."

"I waited for you to have a drink."

"You didn't need to. Just grab one now and bring it to the table."

A butler walked to the doors of the parlor. "If it pleases your lordship, dinner is served."

"Hello, Louis," I said. "How are you this evening?"

His gaze darted from me, to Heroux and back to me. "Fine, my lady. Thank you."

"And how was your grandson's race?"

Again, the eye dart from me to Heroux to me. "Just fine, my lady."

"I'm so happy to hear that!"

"We'll be right in," Heroux interrupted and Louis left us alone.

"You're very familiar with the servants." Strangely, it wasn't out and out disapproval. Maybe one part condemnation and three parts curiosity.

The Vampires #2: Heroux and OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now