Chapter 21 (Heroux): Very, Very Wrong

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

***TW for graphic descriptions of violence and brutality***

Once again, I was rolling up my shirt sleeves after I removed my suit jacket.

The Vautour sat across from me, and Newton stood to my right. "Do you know why you're here?" I asked the man I loathed.

"Because you're abusing your power as the Alarie, something I'll be bringing to the Twelve as soon as you release me. Something you'll pay for with your life. Even you aren't above our laws and I'll take your head."

The Vautour was cool, but he was about to be faced with his weakness.

"I quite agree I'm not above our laws. Fortunately, I always ensure that I operate within all legal parameters. A fact your son is well aware of now. By the way, how is Basse?" I asked him, equally as cool. Cold, even.

"How would I know? Other than my wife, you've kept me separated from my family."

"Lord Petit, can you believe I've been so negligent?"

"Lord Alarie, you are not to be blamed. Your schedule has been extremely busy."

"I feel we should let the Vautour see his son and heir. A gesture of good will, so to speak."

"Yes, my lord."

He pretended to send a text even though Basse was already outside my office.

"In the meantime, Vautour, tell me why you sent this letter allegedly written by me to my wife. A letter your son admitted to forging."

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Is that your final word on the matter? I would suggest you tell me what you know about it."

He shrugged. "I cannot tell you what I don't know. I have no idea what Basse told you."

"I'm giving you one last chance, Vautour. Tell me what you hoped to accomplish by sending this letter to my wife."

"I didn't send it, so I can't begin to explain something I had nothing to do with."

I inclined my head. "Lord Petit, you are witness to his answer to his last chance."

He sat up a bit nervously in his chair. "What does that mean?"

"Lord Petit has been researching our ancient laws, and some of them are quite...barbaric."

"Quite, my lord," Newton said.

"I'll illustrate one for you in a moment," I told the Vautour.

I called out to enter as a knock on my door sounded, and two of my men dragged Basse in front of his father and dropped the younger vampire at his father's feet. The Vautour jumped up, all pretense of cool gone as he stared at the horror that was his son. Basse was still a mess a couple of days after I'd fenced with him, even vampire healing unable to overcome such severe burns and wounds in so short a time.

"What have you done to my son?" His four fangs were out, but that wasn't good enough. I wanted more of a reaction.

"I should think it'd be obvious we had a fencing bout. We could reenact it for you if you like."

Basse whimpered.

"You lie!" The Vautour accused.

"No, I assure you, we fenced. He had my foil and I had a red hot poker. Very similar to the one you were going to use on my wife."

The Vampires #2: Heroux and OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now