Chapter 18 (Heroux): The Same Reaction

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

***TW for violence and graphic descriptions of it***

I studied the vampire in front of me dispassionately, not letting him see anything of my thoughts on my face. Had I opened my mouth, however, he would have seen exactly how I was feeling. Taking a long moment to force back my four fangs before I spoke, I stood in front of the crackling fire in my office fireplace, taking my time as I saw my delay in speaking was disturbing him.

Basse Vautour was about to be much more disturbed.

After leaving Odette and Hugo to their grand adventure, I'd spent the previous day in my office with Newton, planning my next few days. Planning today to the last detail. Once I knew my wife's basic destination, Newton had dispatched three trusted bodyguards to watch over Odette and Hugo, following behind them. I didn't want to take any chances with their safety, especially with what was about to start happening.

I'd also handed Odette my Amex Centurion card and told her to use it for hotels for her, Hugo and the bodyguards who would be joining in on their grand adventures starting that night.

"I'd appreciate it if you stayed in the best hotels, Odette, so you're safe."

She hadn't agreed, but she also hadn't disagreed so I had to be satisfied with that. Wherever she chose, there would be two guards outside her room all night. I'd get an update later this evening once they stopped for the day and my guards joined her and Hugo, but I had to get through this business first. I'd had Basse brought to me from the holding cell he'd been staying in with his wife, and he was sitting in a chair in my office right now.

"Lord Newton," I said to my aide, seemingly out of the blue, "how goes your research into the ancient laws?"

"It's been most distressing, Lord Alarie," Newton responded immediately, and I watched confusion wash over Basse's face as my aide answered me. "To realize so many of the ancient laws of our people have never been overturned and still stand...downright barbaric and not reflective at all of our more modern ways."

"Distressing?" I asked my aide. "How so?"

Newton sighed. "Lord Alarie, it pains me to speak of these abominations. Many of the most ancient ways have been forgotten and are best left in our past, when we were more elemental in our handling of affairs."

"Yet if we forget about them and don't address them so they can be abolished, Lord Petit, terrible things could be done under the auspices of legality."

"Very true, my lord. It presents quite a dilemma. If we bring them up, those that have no idea of their existence could take advantage of them; yet if we let them stand, we risk them being discovered and also used for nefarious purposes."

"Give me an example of one of these ancient laws that still exists."

Basse shifted in his seat. "Is there a point to this, Alarie?"

Glancing at him, I didn't deign to answer Basse.

Immediately turning back to Newton, I waited for my aide's answer. "Well, Lord Alarie, it pains me to say that one of the most ancient of laws allows for the torture of a prisoner to determine the truth."

"How fascinating." Turning my gaze on Basse, I let him squirm. "So you see, crumb, there is a point to all of this."

"You...can't," he said.

Stepping closer, I studied him. "I think you just heard that I can."

He shot to his feet. "This won't be allowed to stand, Alarie."

The Vampires #2: Heroux and OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now