"These are good, Granniyo! Thank you!"

Granniyo: "No problem deary. We should go downstairs."

We stood up but when we were at the stairs I turn to Granniyo. "May I save you some trouble and carry you? I don't want to trouble you with walking, with your cane."

Granniyo: "So sweet. I would normally say no but.. your too cute! Sure."

I gently carried her with one arm, the other containing her cane. We, well I, walked down the stairs and sat on the couch where everybody else was. I set her beside me.

Nezu: "I told them about your father. And I told Aizawa and Yamada. They agree."


Papa: "Leave it be, Sho! I'm pretty sure Izu is okay with it if Nezu is asking now."

"I'm fine with anything."



"ANSWER MY CHILD! You must meet your brother."

Toshi: "Izu?"

I raised my hand and swiped right, and I looked around to see my father behind me.

He smiled at me, in his form with white hair. "Thank you for answering so fast."

"Well I want to meet Koko."

Baba: "Nicknames already Habibi?"


Baba: "Anyway."

He put his hand beside him, and Tenko slowly came in view with his hands clasped together infront of him.

Tenko: "Izuku."


Koko: "Nicknames already, Zuki?"

"That's such a good nickname!"

Koko: "I'm glad to meet you, Otouto."

"Can say the same, Koko-nii!"

I ran to him and hugged him, he hesitated before doing the same. "You are only using four fingers on me due to your quirk right?"

Koko: "Mhm."

I smiled and took out some gloves. "I knew I would meet you or somebody with the same quirk sometime. I want to be a hero for everybody, even villains and vigilantes."

Koko: "Why..?"

"I tell my friends this."

Baba: "Ah! Yes I saw that night."

"Mhm.. I see the light in the dark. There is light in everything."

Baba: "Peculiar, you also see the dark in some light."

I shrugged and gave him the gloves. He put them on and smiled before hugging me. "Thank you."

"No problem Koko-Nii. Though I must get going."

Baba: "Ah yes."

Koko: "Baba! Can Zuki come over and see the LOV? Like Toga, Dabi and the others."

(Here they joined earlier)

Baba: "Sure."

I smiled and bowed thanking them before getting up and doing the same circular motion.

They were all chatting until Nezu pointed out I was back. "Ah. Welcome! What did your father want?"

Everybody looked at me expectedly, "My adopted older brother."

Dad: "Oh okay."

"So is Nezu getting partial guardian ship?"

Papa: "Yes."


"Aunt Muri?"

Aunt Muri: "Yes dear! AHH HES SO CUTE!"

Dad + Papa + Toshi: "We know."

Everybody started laughing.

Nezu: "So the Exams are coming up. Will you two be recommended?"

Toshi and me looked at our parents.

So I'm the only one who remembers them saying we could be recommended?



Dad: "Depends on what they want."

Toshi: "Too lazy, can I be recommended?"

Papa: "Sure."

"I'll do the exam."

Nezu: "Oh?"

"I mean.. I want to try my best, and I want to see Kacchan's face when we sees me there."

Chiyo: "Mh.. this tea is good."

Denks: "Anything Zuzu makes is good."

Nezu: "Kacchan?"

Dad: "Are you two friends?"

"Hm-mh?" I shrugged and sipped at my coffee. "Probably not."

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