Chapter 1 : Twenty

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I couldn't be happier.

Me, such as Aryll Farore, the cute blond girl with bright brown eyes who was currently sharing my room didn't get a wink of sleep tonight. And for a good reason.

Today was the 3rd of March, which meant it was the day when my amazing boyfriend, Link Farore, the Hylian Champion but also the most courageous, sweet and tender boy of the world, was about to finally come back home after nine long days at the University Hospital of CastleTown. Nine terrible days since that dramatic 22nd of February, when a ruthless man named Ganondorf Dragmire tried to take his life off in a dead-end by stabbing him while my boyfriend did everything he could to protect me. All of this because Link beat him during their last MMA fight, when the Lights of Hyrule's University won against the Moons of Termina's University.

These two universities have always been enemies, and even myself didn't know how long it's been. But, despite their rivalry – that barely calmed down one hundred years ago – their hate grew wider when Link arrived at HU and started contesting against TU, winning every prize. But, more than all of the students there, Ganondorf Dragmire and Toruma Hill were probably his greatest enemies.

If Ganondorf was probably the mastermind of the most despicable TU's students, Toruma was his right hand, and he never hesitated to get his hands dirty.

I met him three times, and, because of him, because of his awful aura, venomous green eyes and filthy hands, my life changed forever.

First of all, he spotted me near the Sheikah, a sports club where my godmother, Urbosa, used to work, and where I shouted at Link earlier before he defended me against the TU student. He defended me despite my bad behavior, despite my mean words, despite my orders. And since that day, I started falling in love with him.

Then, Toruma found me once again, but this time I wasn't in Hyrule, but in Termina as I was accompanying my friends to support Link during his MMA contest.

It was... violent. Extremely violent as he tried to kill me in this corridor right after he forced me to kiss him, and more. And, because one of his friends, Vatorsa Cliff, chose to snap a picture of us while he was abusing me, Father chased me from the Mansion where we were living, and I started to live with Link in his room, at HU's dorms.

And, since that day, my life has changed. A lot.

We laughed together in front of his many goofy jokes.

We cried together when Paya Shai, one of my best friends kissed him – not knowing we were dating – and he left me for a complete week in his room while he was in California for an international fencing contest.

And most of all, we loved each other. And infinite, tender and beautiful love. The kind of love only few people can feel when they met their soulmate. And I was sure I met mine.

Link Farore. The boy with the mesmerizing blue eyes. The boy who protected me no matter what. The boy who put a roof on my head when I was homeless. The boy who taught me how to love, how to laugh, how to live.

Because, despite all the things I lived through such as my Mother's death when I was a child, the inflexible rules of my ruthless father, the many attacks I experienced, life was worth it. Because he was with me. And he'll be with me forever.

And soon, he'll be at the Mansion with me, surrounded by his family, Father and me.

A few days before the day I thought I'd lost him forever, Link properly met Father. And, if for first it was a bit complicated between them – Father didn't want me to date someone, and even less an athlete while Link was mad at Father because of his bad behavior to me in the past –, now they seemed to like each other. Indeed, Father didn't hesitate a single second to host Arn, Cinna and Aryll Farore while their son was at the hospital, and he admitted that he liked Link, so much that he asked the doctors if Link could do his rehabilitation at the Mansion. And they accepted.

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