The Trip

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Sky stopped speaking.
" Hello, can you hear me?"  He regained composure.
" Yes I can."
" Where are we taking them?"
" It's an island that has a lot of people. We can protect them easily there."
" Okay, and about what I said....
" There's nothing, we are just getting to know ourselves and besides he is my boss."
" For someone who used to secretly like me, you don't look at me the way you look at him."
" Bye Payu, talk to you later.
" You see. Make sure you bring your guns."
" It will be there already don't worry."
Prapai had gone back home to pack his suitcase, in preparation for the office trip. That night, he called his secretary and told her him and Sky( who he claimed to be his personal assistant) had an emergency so they won't be going on the trip that the other office workers should. He transferred money to her account and told her to lavish it on everyone and hung up before she could say anything. Prapai called the travel agency and booked for a private jet telling them where he was going and how many persons. He called Rain to ask certain things but his number didn't go through so he relaxed. He called Sky
" Hello."
" What's up?"
" Change of plans, all the others in our company decided not to go on the trip anymore so it's just the four of us."
" Really? All of them?"
" Yes. I spoke to the secretary and she said they all want to take a day off separately."
" P'Pai, you do know that's not possible right?"
" Now it is so I'll come pick you up by 4am to head to the airport. It's for a week so carry light. We'll be at the beach so no need for too much clothing."
" Are you..."
" Am I what?"
" Having perverted thoughts? Sky put his hand over his chest like a Victorian lady who heard something preposterous. If only Prapai could see him now, he would have laughed till he was on the floor.
" Can't I? When you look as hot as you do." Sky fumbled and Pai could hear it.
" I like the fact that I can make you react the way you do. Good night my soon to be Sky." Pai hung up the phone.
Sky dropped the phone on the bed as he heard his heart beat faster. He fell on the bed and held onto his chest. He couldn't believe what he was feeling inside. He went straight to Google and asked how does butterflies in ones tummy feel like? He was a grown man but never experienced this. He went further how do you know you love him?
How do you know he loves you
If the person makes you feel happy is it love? Sky made more searches in one day than he had done in his entire life. He was just so happy. The words Pai told him earlier rang in his ear.
What type of people have you been meeting that would make you think I'll shoot you. It was your job, you aimed, missed and got the person who I loved back then. Sky, no matter what had happened in the past, that won't make me hate you. I don't hate you."
This statement got Sky thinking as he rolled on his bed. Pai shouldn't be in love with him. They were both not meant to be. Then he remembered something and called Pai back.
" Did I forget anything?"
" No, I just want to ask you what you were going to do... You didn't finish your statement..."
" Well... When we get there you'll see."
Pai hung up leaving Sky feeling the suspense in his stomach. Sky didn't sleep the whole night. He tossed and turned till it was morning. He checked his time at intervals but it was to no avail. Tonight, time decided to move incredibly slow.
Prapai hung up the call and screamed. He looked at himself
" Did I actually say that." He slapped his mouth, not quite believing what he had said. He set his alarm for 3am. He wanted to go to bed but he found himself staying awake. He was giddy as well and couldn't quite believe himself. He never felt this happy about anyone all his life and he was one to meet a lot of new people. Sky felt new to him. He went to his room and paced about. He left pretty late from Sky's house, but he wanted to return. The anticipation was killing him. Prapai drove to Sky's house by 3:30am. He was very impatient. He was expecting to see the house lights off. But to his surprise he saw Sky's luggage right in front of his gate and Sky pacing about. He passed the house and stayed across then called. Sky picked up immediately " Why are you calling me so early?"
" Did I wake you?"
" Yes." Pai let out a hearty laugh
" What?"
" Why are your luggages outside then?" Sky on hearing this came outside the gate to check where he was.
" You saw me and couldn't come to get my luggage?"
" You looked to cute so it's better to watch you from afar."
" P'Pai, if you're so impatient why don't we leave now?"
" Should we?"
" No! We still have two hours. I'm going back to sleep."
" I'll be lonely in my car." Pai sounded like he wanted to cry.
" I'll give you five seconds to show yourself or I go back in....five........four.... three...."
" I'm here see me waving."
Pai packed his car behind a truck so it was easy to disguise. Sky let out a laugh. He was not the only one who wanted to be around Pai because apparently it was a mutual feeling.

Payu went to wake Rain up the next morning. Last night there was a lot of shenanigans that transpired that even himself got tired. After the call, he went back to meet a drunk Rain dancing on.the table, he had to carry him on his shoulder into his room. The next thing he complained about the room being hot and began to take off his clothes one after the other with no thought of him being there. It got to his boxers this was where Payu had gotten enough and just held his hands
" This isn't a strip club, it's enough."
" Bu...t I ...mmmmm....I.....mmm want to strip for you."
" No thank you I'm good...."
Payu got him out of bed. Took him to bath. Drove to his house leaving him in the car and got his passport, packaged a suitcase for him and they went to the airport. They slept quite late and they didn't want to be the cause for the delay. The flight was scheduled for 6am and they arrived by 5am. Rain slept on Payu's chest till it was time for departure. He was very very wasted. Once they got in to the private jet. They met with Pai and Sky who were whispering to themselves. Payu smiled and took his seat. Rain looked Sky dead in the eye pointed at Payu who was keeping the luggages and muttered " mine"  Sky smiled. He wasn't going to lose pointed at Pai and tilted his head. No words needed to be said. This trip would be one to remember obviously

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