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Sky went into the room. Looked at the picture on the wall. No words came he just stared at it and went back to his bed. The next morning he needed to get Pai back to work as they had an important board meeting. Sky just lay there not doing anything. He was a bit upset. He picked up his phone to call him to ask what happened but changed his mind half day through. He left and closed his eyes to sleep. He had to take a rest. He would call Gun in the morning to find out what's up. He went downstairs to the back of the house. There was a gym with training equipments for shooting. He went to the bag and started punching it.
"Tomorrow would be different Sky. Tomorrow will be different."
The very next morning he was up very early. The clothes had arrived for Pai so he picked them up and met a sleeping Pai. He was shirtless. As of last night he had something on but now there was nothing. Sky was shocked he covered his eyes and screamed. Pai instantly got up thinking something was up
" what, what what happened."
"Why are you shirtless?"
"Why are you screaming? Did I turn you on somehow."
Sky thought about it and even questioned himself why he was screaming. He had seen far more chiseled abs than his but now he understood why he was able to sleep with anything and they willingly agreed to it even. He tossed the clothes on the bed.
"It must be so new for you to sleep alone."
"If you were by my side, it would not have been so lonely."
"Just get dressed Pai."
"Yes sir."
Sky went to his room, he changed and went to make food for them to eat. Pai came down as usual he met a meal, well made. He was farmished and as usual it was well made. He commented " the person that falls for you would be so lucky. He or she would have delicious meals and be well protected." Sky replied " Yes the person will, as long as it's not you I'm good."
"Ouch... That hurt!" Pai held the cutlery knife to his heart
"You'll live." Sky acted as if he removed it. Pai felt weird but brushed it off. Elsewhere Payu got a distraught Rain ready for a big signing event. Payu had slept on the couch at his house to keep him safe as he had begged him not to let him sleep alone. Payu very early had returned home, taken his bath and returned. He helped Rain who was a bit fidgety to get dressed...
This was a mega deal and was critical for him to get everything right. His father entrusted this to him as he was away on an inspection trip. The driver came and it was time for them to go. Payu noticed this and held his hands as they walked out. Rain looked at him " I noticed you were nervous. Holding of hands helps with it." Rain gulped. Payu was one fine man and he couldn't deny it and this gesture was quite warm so he accepted it looked at Payu and said " You better hold onto it pretty well." Sky had gone in and taken his place as his secretary. They stayed outside the building to welcome the guests that were to attend the meeting. Sky stood beside him as his secretary. Pai was expecting the father. When Rain stepped out of the car and their eyes met he grabbed onto Payu's hands tighter. Pai seeing him had a big frown on his face. He wanted to just walk away but he looked at the person who was holding his hand and recognized him immediately as the one Sky was looking at in the painting. Sky saw this and pieced one and two together this was the person he was going to meet he thought as he bowed his head. A frown formed on his face. Payu tried to signal him with a facial expression but Sky completely ignored it. They went inside. For a deal that was supposed to be easy to sign, the room was really tensed. Sky sat behind Pai. The looks Rain and Pai were given each other could be seen by even the ones across the table. Pai had never looked this serious since Sky met him. Something was up,he could sense it but didn't say anything when the deal was finally settled it was time to shake hands. Rain stretched out his hand,Pai skipped it and shook his PA instead and walked out. There was clearly bad blood there. Rain turned around and spoke up " You do know that you have to see more of me now. It might be unbearable."
"Well if that's the case, my father would handle you instead." And he was gone. He didn't even wait for everyone to completely leave. He dashed off. Sky followed after him, Payu tried to talk to him again but was ignored again. Rain swifted off to the car. He sat inside waiting for Payu, Payu was looking for Sky because he saw his behavior unlike him. When he eventually caught up, he held his hand till he halted
"What's the hurry? We couldn't even talk properly to each other."
"I know, please return I'm pretty sure he's waiting for you."
"Sky what's making you so pressed can you talk to me." One of the guards came that followed Rain
"He wants to leave sir,he's waiting for you."
"Can I talk to my friend first."
"He said he owns you so you have to do what he tells you." Payu's heart fell on hearing this. Sky removed his hand
"Your owner awaits." And walked away. Payu went to meet Rain in the vehicle. He was angry, "so you go around telling people you bought me?"
"Didn't I?"
"Wow, you are indeed not a very decent person."
"You have absolutely no right to talk to me like that."
" I do, and I think if this is how you're going to behave,I can easily transfer your money back you ."
"I don't think you can " Payu brought out his phone and showed Rain his account. " I can do it several times over. I'm leaving, you know your way home." Payu got out of the car and walked away leaving a confused Rain inside. He hopped on a cab and went home. He wanted to smash something anything.
Sky went to Pai's office but he wasn't seeing anyone. He had told them all to walk away. Sky came inside and shut the door behind them. He saw Pai whose head was bent. He walked up to him and lifted his face and saw a crying Prapai.

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