Let Me Introduce Myself

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Payu went to a store nearby and got a pretty nice suit and tie. He didn't know what the event was for but he was going to steal the show nonetheless. He took a cab and went to the venue given that was sent on his phone. He noticed it was a school. He wanted to turn back but saw the sign which said " Class of 2015 Reunion." He rolled his eyes as he entered. He truly was the one who came to steal the show. He was handsome and his visuals made everyone who saw him swoon. His hair was well done and patted to the side. It was long and luscious. He stood out the most as the person who had the most glow up, even if they didn't know he wasn't a member of their school. He just looked around for the person who made him come here. He saw him at a corner drinking looking at the people around him disdainfully. It was so obvious he hated the place, the people made him nauseous but he stayed. He wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. When the incident happened years ago, Lane remained. He called Rain, visited him and they had a bond. Even when Rain changed school, he kept in touch. He went on to be Rain's best friend, the one closest to his heart. And now that he had completely let go of this place. Lane called him and told him to go for the reunion. Rain couldn't believe what he was hearing but knew it was important that he did. Lane was very sick and wanted it to be like a favour for him. So he came back to this place that had his worst memories. He got a stare or two from various people as he looked incredible. They knew who he was as his face almost always made the tabloids for his influence in one area or another. He was prettier in person so he really stopped hearts. As Payu was approaching him, he saw a couple of guys go close to him. He saw a chair and sat down. He was of hearing distance so he listened in to everything they had to say. He didn't want to intrude, but didn't want to leave him alone either. The boys, three in number surrounded him and looked pretty friendly but for some reason Rain was not giving them any attention till one spoke up " You really grew up to be one fine young man. I remember you chasing me around."
Rain hissed " Get lost Jayden!" Jayden smiled and touched Rain's cheek. Rain aggressively cleaned his face and spit on Jayden " once an asshole, always an asshole." He said this and laughed. Jayden looked visibly upset but felt he had the upper hand. For some reason he felt his ego was hurt and he needed to crush Rain's so he said " but you were the one who asked me out, I turned you down and you were so hurt you left the school. I didnt make them spit on you, they heard and were quite surprised by what an honor student was doing..." Rain interrupted by saying " with a lowlife? Asshole, less than a man? I really thought that was what bothered them so much. And what bothers me is the fact that you couldn't let it go for so long and had to bring it here to be discussed. What? You didn't forget about me? What? You couldn't get me out of your head? Asshole." Right about now, Jayden's ego was crushed. Rain's words one after the other pricked him like stab wounds and he wasn't backing down. This was clearly not the guy he hurt years ago. This was a completely different person. He was more confident and just plain different. He couldn't stand him, his status, his words, everything. He felt himself shrink. Only one way left to hurt him.
" but I see you're still single, why? You couldn't get over me?" He felt this was what gave him momentum as Rain's lips quivered a bit.
"He upgraded so high that you became non-existent." Everyone turned to look at the dashing man seating quietly observing. He stood up and walked up to Rain. He saw this as his cue. He didn't know why Rain called him but he wanted to end the humiliation and fast. No one was getting bullied under his watch. He quickly went up to Rain, wrapped his hands around his shoulder and said " Sorry I'm late babe, traffic was a problem." Jayden didn't greet Payu. He took himself and his buddies and walked away. Payu removed his hand from Rain's Shoulder, looked around to see if they were safe then sighed

Sky pointed the gun to their faces. He was not smiling at all. Pai's eyes widened. He wanted to process all that was happening. His former secretary betraying him and his new one protecting him with his life. The contrast was far too much. Before he could properly think, Sky tapped him by the shoulder for him to get up. He whispered to him "go into the bathroom at the count of three. Don't come out till I tell you to...and make sure you duck" Sky turned facing the men who were pointing their guns at him and well. He smiled which intimidated them. You don't smile in the face of danger but here Sky was practically laughing his head off.
One... Two.......... Three. Pai took to his heels straight to the bathroom. He was able to dodge bullets. Sky wanted him gone and seeing he wouldn't see this was pleasing. Hurting the person he's supposed to protect would appear really bad on his resumé. He turned to look at one who was attempting to follow Pai and shot him without a second thought. He picked up a bottle and after dodging a bullet smashed it on his head. Blood splattered on his face but he cleaned it with his suit. Three other men came in for the same purpose. Sky slid under the table in front of him and hit one of the guys with another bottle he took. He was swift. Even using the stripper pole to his advantage. In no time, the place was swarming and he had to keep reloading and taking guns. He stood by the toilet door entrance. No one was to pass through. It became awfully quiet after the twelfth person came inside and he ended him. His face was bloody and so was his hands. He went into one of the stalls and found Pai crouched down. " You piece of shit! Did I or did I not specifically tell you not to leave the office?" Pai looked at Sky shivering. He noticed the blood all over him. He felt really bad. He wanted to hold Sky but he shoved him off his body.
" we have to get out of here and we go home." Pai nodded in agreement. Getting outside, Pai saw the damage Sky had inflicted on them. How was one of them hung on the stripper pole? So many questions that needed answers to but they had to leave. They followed the back door and into the street. Pai had packed his car at the back of the building so they got in and left. Sky checked if they were being followed and he noticed they weren't. He was furious and didn't smile. He was covered in other people's blood. This was not what he signed up for but this client was really too stupid to be helped. On arriving at his house as he gave directions. Pai was shocked to see the penthouse he was staying in. He assumed it was someone else's but seeing the pictures on the wall he knew it was his. Sky didn't delay taking off his clothes. He cleaned himself vigorously. He smelled like iron. This smell was all to familiar with him and he genuinely hated it. He was trying to be calm but seeing Pai made it difficult. He didn't even mind that Pai was there. Pai in the other hand was just in complete shock by what he had encountered to even say anything meaningful. " what? You haven't seen a pretty man before." He said mockingly. He knew very well that Pai was still processing so he came close to him, looked him in the face and slapped him hard. Sky was livid. Initially he didn't want to react but the fact that one word of sorry or even thank you didn't escape his mouth. " I said, stay in the office. I said stay still. No I'm stuck with an asshole who thinks with his dick. From now on, if you leave my side. I'll kill you in the most gruesome way possible." Sky turned to leave but Pai held his hand
" I'm.... really... Sorry " Sky wasn't going to take the apology as he freed his hand forcefully " Sorry for yourself. I don't care if you live or die. Because you're under my protection, I have to keep you alive. You'll be sleeping here tonight. If you like, leave again!"
For someone who didn't care about him, he was really protective, Pai thought.

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