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" I could kill you and bury your body."
"I prefer being alive, but thanks for the offer" Sky stared at this insane man who did not care about him or his reactions. He was fearless and resilient. He kept quiet and continued making dinner. When he was done, he dished it and called Pai to eat. Pai was amazed at the variety of dishes presented before him. He sat down and gobbled down. He was very hungry but also the food was delicious. In no time, he was done, even asking for more. Sky smiled to himself, took Pai's plate and got him another serving
"Where did you learn how to cook this well? Everything is so good."
"Thanks, I learnt from taking care of two people. We all needed to eat, the portions were small, there was extra raw food in the kitchen. I learnt..." Sky realized he was about to give out most personal information so he stopped.
" You're in charge of the dishes." Sky said and walked to the parlour. He changed the channel and watched a movie. Pai picked up the plates quickly and washed them. He wanted to talk more with Sky. Immediately he was done, he went to sit with him on the sofa, watching the movie too. Sky looked at him without having to turn his body. He was just tired generally and didn't want to engage. Pai noticed this and moved closer to him on the sofa. Sky moved and Pai moved. There was nowhere to move again on the sofa. Ignoring this kid was becoming more and more impossible so he turned to him and asked " What? Huh what do you want?"
" I want to ask a question and I need your honest answer."
" if this question annoys me, I won't answer."
" Free will."
"What is it?"
" I'm sorry but I mistakenly entered your room." Sky's face changed immediately. " why will you, didn't I tell you not to I specifically said...'
" I'm sorry, I'm really bad at directions, I'm sorry." Sky calmed down.
"Go on..."
"Okay... The man on your wall... Is he your faen?"
"My what?"
" Your boyfriend? He's really handsome by the way."
" First of all, you shouldn't have entered my room, secondly, what make you assume that?" Sky was completely invested now in what Pai was going to say as he turned his head to look at him.
"The positioning of the picture... Does he know?"
"Know what?"
"That you like him. You practically faced him in that picture ignoring the other person. Framed it and it's in your room."
"Stop talking nonsense."
"Is it nonsense though? How long? Months, years, decades."
"That's enough, I'm going to bed!"
Sky stood up, looked back at Pai and turned around to go up the stairs.
"He's a friend that I admire, nothing else. He's saved my life several times and I'll do the same for him."
He didn't want to act strange and quickly left. Pai sat there laughing. It was obvious he hit a nerve and laughed it off. Sky shut the door to his room pretty upset. He lay on his bed, heaved and shut his eyes.

Payu's house wasn't too far from Rain's. He was truly well to do so he lived in a good neighborhood. He couldn't sleep as he kept thinking about the events of earlier. He really wanted to meet up with Rain to know if he was okay. He was deeply conflicted so he called Sky. As soon as he saw the call, he picked up immediately.
"What's up, it's so late at night."
" I really need your advice." Sky sat up to listen to him " Shoot."
"Take it hypothetically that I feel a friend of mine isn't safe and I need to go to him at once, should I?"
"You should."
" Really?"
"Thanks Sky, you're the best."
"See you so...." Payu hung up.
Payu left his house and took his car to Rain's house. He was going to apologize for earlier. On getting there he saw the same people who he left at the event knocking on his door repeatedly. Laughing and giggling, they were clearly drunk but why here, why him? Payu approached them.
"Why are you disturbing the peace of this neighborhood, can't you see everyone is trying to sleep?"
" it's you, the one who humiliated me earlier, isn't it?" Jayden Spoke up.
"Yes and so..."
" I want my pound of flesh. That asshole disgraced me in front of everyone and he feels he'll get away from me."
"I hate petty issues, so resolve this quickly. Get the hell away from his gate so they'll be no casualties." Payu was getting frustrated now as he put his hand in his hair to make it set better
" hahahaha Are you blind? We outnumber you."
"It's your Reunion, don't want you to go back home with broken bones and cuts all over. Just leave okay, now I'm being nice just go." Rain who was inside was watching everything unfold on the CCTV. He was deeply terrified but was so relieved when he saw Payu rush in. A smile came over his face, which he had to physically slap off his face and was back to worrying about them. He knew Payu's capabilities and how to would end so he left the monitoring room and came outside looking at everyone.
"Oh there you are, my previous. I'll rearrange your insides. How dare you publicly shame me like that?"
"You had it coming. You singlehandedly ruined my childhood. I'm sad I just couldn't do worse."
"Say the words then." Rain lifted his eyes and saw Payu who was giving him an open check book to fuck them up on everyside. Jayden was not comprehending what was going on as it flew over his head
"So this is your new man?"
"No, just let them go. I'm done." Jayden was talking but Rain was speaking to just Payu in all this chaos
"Don't ignore me!"
"Just let them go. If they lay a finger then you're allowed." Rain turned to go inside. Jayden held his hand. He struggled to free his hand from him. Payu saw this as he cue as one after the other, each person was left with a scar or a broken bone. He did keep to his promise. He left Jayden for last. Jayden had no idea how everything happened as it happened so fast. The next minute, Payu was holding him by his head. Jayden saw the possibility that he would be beaten to a pulp if he didn't let Rain go, so he did. Payu punched him and he went on his knees "Can you just admit it? you look so pathetic now. And you're no match for Rain."
" I could sue for trespassing, you do know who I am, so you could spend the rest of your lives behind bars."
"Rain I'm sorry, just forgive us." One of the guys said.
They all took each other and as they wanted to drive off. Payu went to Jayden's car and spoke to him " if you try this bullshit again, I'll give you your eyes to eat. Don't fuck with , Rain again, you hear me?
"Yes sir."
" Good!"
Payu went to meet Rain and found him shivering. He quickly covered his shoulders with his arm and took him inside.

Sky went outside and found no car coming. He waited for an hour thirty minutes. He was shivering but no one came. He eventually went back inside to meet a sleeping Pai on his couch. He turned on the TV and woke Pai up vigorously " Go to your room, now!" Pai sleepily went upstairs.

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