My Word Against Yours

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Payu went to lie beside Rain hugging him tightly. He absolutely loved the way he smelt, his hair, his body. It was an addiction he never knew he would have, but here he was trying to overcome what he was feeling. He wouldn't cross the line as much as he wanted to. Rain was someone he wanted to protect, someone he didn't think he would have anything to do with but here he was on his bed, cuddling him, is this how it felt if you were in love with someone? He thought to himself. He wanted it to last, this moment. Rain had a little chokehold on him. He wanted to know more about him and in all his life, this is the only person he wanted to know more about and was so interested. He felt like an egg to him, someone he wanted to hold onto dearly.
" Will you be okay meeting Khun Pai tomorrow?"
" Of course, I have you by my side."

As the zip came down to his navel. Pai stopped kissing him a stared, he wanted to dig his lips into his neck so badly making this gorgeous man his but he restrained himself. He moved a bit and began to zip the shirt back up.
" I have to make you love me first."
" And what if it never happens?"
" I'll count it as a loss."
" Will you be okay?"
" No but will I survive? Yes, you'll still be by my side and that's more important." Sky let out a smile on his face. He bent his head to hide it from Pai but he saw it already. They watched a movie and just stayed in each other's arms. The next day Pai had to leave very early as it was a working day. He wanted to stay longer  but he knew today was really big for him so he pecked a sleeping Sky.
He rushed out to get ready. Sky joined him at the company an hour later. He went straight to his office. He was also talking to other people regarding the meeting in an hour. Immediately he saw Sky, it looked like the whole room lit up. He couldn't stop staring at him. He looked extremely good today, was it his eyes or... Pai couldn't explain it he was enthralled by him. Sky just stood there looking at him. Someone had to tap Pai before he got out of his trance and continued working. Sky got the information from the other people of what was going to happen today. He was very disappointed that Paibsudbt even mention anything about this and they were together yesterday. His other colleagues laughed and called him an incompetent secretary. One went further by saying " if not for the fact that you don't look like his spec, I'm pretty sure he would have been banging you like he did his previous secretary." Sky had so many words to say back, but he knew if he did he will for sure be called to the disciplinary board. So he just kept quiet and walked away to the balcony. His phone rang and he picked.
" Hi Sky."
" Hello, what's up?"
" I'll be coming around."
" I know you will..."
" I... Have an announcement to tell you but I think we need to see physically."
" That's awesome. Talk to you later then."
" Bye."
He felt a bit uneasy but shoved it off as he had other things on his mind like why Pai didn't tell him of this meeting, was he that insignificant. He turned around after noticing his phone had been ringing for a while. He checked the caller and it was Pai. He just went back into the office. It was still filled. Pai noticed Sky's face as he was not smiling.
" Everyone take a five minutes break I'll call you all back, Sky stay!"
Everyone assumed he had done something to agitate the boss. They whispered, someone walked up to Sky as they were leaving and said " Su suna Sky." As the last person left, Pai left his desk and stood right in front of Sky. He put his hand on his head, Sky removed it. He attempted to do it again but Sky held it
" What's wrong?"
" You, you're wrong?" Pai's face instantly changed to one of concern
" What? What did I do?"
" You didn't tell me about this meeting!"
" I'm sorry, I didn't want to..."
" Overwork me, or stress me. Have you forgotten it's my job, I'm your secretary for Pete's sake and that just means I'm supposed to be aware of everything."
" I forgot, I...
" You forgot or you're so focused on getting me in your bed that you forgot I'm you secretary."
" Sky, now that's not fair."
" I'm so uninformed that if anyone ask me anything right now, I'll have nothing to say, we're supposed to be partners. Its obvious you'll find it hard to separate work and anything else."
" I'm really sorry, I seriously am. When I got together with any of my employees, they never saw the need to put in any more effort so I ..."
" You thought I would become sloppy? That's an even worse excuse, i really need to reconsider your stance and you fucking have to learn to separate work from pleasure."
" It's new to me. The last person stopped even coming to work and I ..."
" Pai, we didn't sleep together, I'm not the last person so get a grip, tell me what's up and what I need to know." Pai looked at him like he just saw a saviour. He held Sky's hand and dragged him to the desk where he was working and told him everything that was going to transpired. After the orientation, he called the rest persons back in. Sky was still beside him as he made commands regarding the event . When everything had been delegated, he left Sky to handle the finishing touches as he went to the office kitchen. One of his staff wanted to follow but he instructed the person to go and finish up. Reaching the door, he heard three persons talking, he wanted to barge in but he heard Sky's name so he paused
" Do you think Sky was offended by what we said earlier?"
" I don't think so, he'll be fine. He's just unlucky that Pai doesn't find him attractive, a lot of things would have been going well for him."
"Very true, it's just sad. But I hope to get my chance with P'Pai soon... Since he takes the best of the best and I am the best of the best."
" Still on Sky's matter, I feel that, no offence to him but someone like Pai would have turned him down. Remember when he was away and Pai looked for him, I felt he was heartbroken and couldn't take the pain anymore." Pai had enough and cleared his throat as he entered the kitchen. On seeing him, they all began to fidget. He went straight to the coffee place and made an expresso. The three persons quickly gulped down their coffees and were planning to make a run for it but Pai began by saying " Do you know how?". They were confused and asked him
" How to do what sir?"
" How to get Sky to fall for me? He's too rigid and strict, turning me down the slightest chance I get close to him. He's unreachable and it's so annoying. So I want ideas or suggestions." No one spoke up. It wasn't the twist they were expecting. Pai felt proud. No one would dare look down at Sky again as he was the one who turned the boss down. He eventually told them to leave and he drank his coffee in peace.
It was time for the meeting. Payu excused Sky. He took it like his only opportunity to tell him what had transpired. They went to the office bathroom to talk.
" What's up, you said what you wanted to tell me was incredibly important."
" Yes I do but I need you to be calm"
" What's wrong?"
"I fell in love with Rain and I wanted you to be the first one to know. And ..."
Sky couldn't believe what he was hearing and burst out laughing
" Are you for real? Because this joke is really funny."
" Sky, I'm serious."
" Payu, you really better be joking. You just met this person and you're already head over heels, didn't you hear the stories between the two of them?"
" I did... and..."
" Of all people die you to give your heart to it's him, don't be deluded, you'll definitely be a laughing stock soon." Sky said this based on the perspective of the story he heard from Prapai.
" Don't believe everything your boss said Sky, there are two sides of that story."
" It's your believing Rain blindly for me, did he cry to you? Begging and sharing his sob story." Payu held him by the collar pulling him close. He looked fierce. Sky didn't even flinch once. Payu would NEVER hit him or do anything that would hurt him, he was this confident!
" Can you just stop! I came here to tell you about how I feel and that's not going to change."
" Fine, I'm happy for you then, I hope your relationship crashes and burns"
"SKY!" Sky removed his hands from his shirt and moved one step back.
" It's my way of wishing you the best, because you've never been in love."
" Neither have you."
" I was in love with you for so long but I guess that counts for nothing.".
" That's not what I meant, reciprocated love." Sky was clearly offended as he didn't turn back as he left the restroom. Someone saw them enter and videod them without their knowledge.
The whole meeting was better as Pai and  Rain didn't look like they wanted to kill themselves on this day, they were more calm and collected. On the other hand Sky and Payu gave each other the stinky eyes severally. This affected a lot as Pai noticed it and so did  Rain. As the meeting went on, they got a call. They apologized to their respective bosses and left the office in a hurry. They took Rain's car and left. They didn't speak to each other throughout the car ride till they arrived at their company.
The meeting ended successfully with Pai and Rain reaching a settlement. They went to Pai's office to have a celebrate. One of their company staff came in and showed the both of them a video of the two of them in the bathroom. Rain heard everything that was said and so did Pai. They acted like they didn't care and Pai told them to take it down immediately. Pai looked at Rain.
" So tell me your own side of the story. I want to hear it, all of it"  Rain fidgeted a bit sighed, then began.
Tartie sat on his chair waiting for them to enter
" Good, you're both here. I had a top secret mission for the both of you. You both successfully made both men fall for you and trust you, that was the hardest part. Now your mission is half complete." Sky and Payu couldn't believe what they were hearing . Payu spoke up
" I don't understand at all."
" Sorry, it was meant to be a top secret mission, you were to make Pai and Rain fall in love with both of you which based on sources I heard you've successfully don this now the next part is to kill both Prapai and Rain because you didn't finish it the last time.

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