He is mine!!!

When my eyes went Riccardo, he looked at me full of desire. His finger were touching my bare skin little more. I can see the irritation and frustration he was carrying. Isn't it best to trouble him?

Riccardo placed a small kiss on my bare shoulder as he whispered to me, "you look breath taking ...."

I taunted, "Took you long enough"

After a while I stood there talking a drink, I just hope this boring party passes soon. I want to go home, it was better if I went to some club by myself.

My eyes met with Riccardo, he passed me a nod. I walked here to get away from the people who will die to please Riccardo.

But I am really enjoying how he likes to search for me with his eyes every time I am out of his sight.

Ryle stood beside me out a sudden, I ignored her. But like her mouth was going to shut down, She said, "Ah... quite shameless... Knowing your place you walked here... and don't think he will stick by your side forever...."

I whispered, "Quite new way of begging... but I have no intend to donate my husband." I rolled my eyes talking a sip of the drink.

Riley scoffed, she whispered, "He was mine first..." My feast tightened around the glass. I want to choke her.

I heard her, "And Pride you have to act like this... You have no decant image or introduction, what you think you can be fit for Riccardo?"

I looked at her glaring, I whispered, "Oh yea... and what are you not fit then?.... you seem too perfect... then what's your defect?...." I smirked as I saw her face frozen.

I said pretending to be sad, "Don't worry, he rejected you not because of your dead womb... but your disgusting attitude...."

She was looking at me with so much anger, I could feel it. If she could she could have strangled me.

I reminded her, "I am only daughter of Derosa's, no one is as powerful as me here.... trust me you won't take to listen my net worth....... and That man over there, he can kill hundreds like you for me.... I am that powerful!"

She said out in anger, "A b*tch like you can only... only brag ... I will shred you down to dust.. and you will having nothing but tears..."

I threw the entire glass of wine on her face, she screamed in surprise, everyone was looking at me. I glared at her as I said, "My hand slipped Miss. Rizzo..."

She looked around embarrassed and angry. She pulled the bottle from the table to hit me, she aimed it at me. When I felt someone towering in front of me, pulling me behind.

It happened in split second, I noticed Ryle's hand stopped as Riccardo warned from distance, "Ryle!!!"

She looked at Riccardo betrayed, while I looked at him as if I was at ease, he seemed to be totally different person. I realized the man protecting me was Isaac.

He took the bottle from Ryle with force. Isaac warned, "If... you even think about it again... I will kill you..."

Riley said back, "How dare you!!!... I will show you your place..."

Riccardo warned, "Miss. Rizzo.... that's my wife and her brother, remember before anyone words.... and I think you need to explain for what I witnessed!!!"

Riccardo was closer to me, His hand fixed my hair, he warned Riley, "Miss. Rizzo... I hope you don't want a war here.... do you?"

I saw her father coming in between, he tried to cool the situation, saying she is not in her best state. This might be a misunderstanding.

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