Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: End of All The Endings

Life without the overwhelming shadow of death was different. It was lighter to the touch, and it was lighter in Rosie's heart. It was a strange serenity that she almost felt guilty for feeling.

Jennie did not allow a funeral for Jungkook Jeon.

No one protested.

The aftermath of the execution itself was grueling, emotionally. Each couple had fallen into a quiet, steady sort of rhythm. For Jisoo and Lisa, it was a time of respite. For Somi and Mino, one of mourning. For Rosie and Jennie, it was one of healing, of closing old wounds, sewing them shut for good.

The first few days were the hardest.

Rosie felt an immense guilt weigh her down. The more she thought about the mercy she'd given Jungkook, and the revenge she'd stolen from Jennie, the more she hated herself. This overflowed one morning in the form of tears when Jennie heard a sniffling sound from their bedroom. She stepped out of the closet, pulling down her tank top as she frowned, searching for the source of the noise.

Rosie was leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom, pinching the bridge of her nose, tears freely flowing down her cheeks.

Jennie was over in a heartbeat, arms gently removing Rosie's hands from her face so she could see what was troubling her.

Rosie flinched at her touch, and Jennie recoiled, instantly aware that something was wrong.

"My love," Jennie's voice was soft, shades lighter than it usually was. "Talk to me."

Rosie shook her head. "We can't do this." She huffed, misery seeping into every word.

Jennie was taken aback, eyes widening slightly, green gaze now flushed with terror. "Rosie." She tried once more. "What can't we do?"

Rosie took a shaky breath, sobs stuck in her throat. "Us. This. You and I." She motioned between them frantically.

Jennie sucked in a breath. No. This wasn't happening. "Rosie?" Her question came as more of a croak.

And then Rosie shattered. "I shouldn't have done that to Jungkook. I tried to do what was right, in my conscience, but I fucked you over, and Jennie, you're the most important person in my life," Rosie breathed erratically. "You've been nothing but good to me and I threw it away on someone who's dead now. He killed, and he hurt people, and I let him die thinking I forgave him, because I thought it was right, and...and..." Rosie whimpered helplessly.

Jennie's gaze immediately softened and she relaxed upon realizing that Rosie was guilty for her sake, not angry or hurt with her. "Oh, Rosie." Jennie murmured, wrapping her arms around the blonde, pulling her close.

Rosie buried her head in Jennie's shoulder, tears staining her shirt. "I don't deserve you, Jennie. I took away your one chance at-"

"My one chance at what?" Jennie scoffed quietly. "More bloodshed?"

Rosie shook and Jennie's heart shattered. Rosie was actually convinced that Jennie cared more about Jungkook's fate than her love for Rosie.

"He deserved to suffer for what he did." Rosie breathed. "And I was so blind. I couldn't let him suffer, even if he deserved it. I...I...I didn't have the strength."

"No, Rosie." Jennie murmured firmly. "That doesn't make you weak."

Rosie sobbed silently in Jennie's arms. "Then what does it make me? A coward? An idiot?"

Jennie shook her head. "Good, Rosie. It makes you good."

Rosie sighed against Jennie, clinging to her tightly.

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