Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Take Me Home

The ride home was filled with the most comfortable silence Rosie had ever shared with anyone in her life.

It was the kind of silence that spoke for itself, without having to cram a litany of meaningless words into the small space between the two.

It was the kind of silence Rosie could wrap herself in, forgetting her worries and obligations, her pains and her struggles.

It was the effect of Jennie Kim, of course.

Jennie had taken to driving, eyes settled on the road ahead of them, one hand on the wheel, the other gingerly placed over the stick shift.

Rosie had been gazing out the window, watching the dark night illuminated by the lights of the city, the capital still beating on at that hour in the evening.

Rosie felt almost as if she were intoxicated.

Almost as if she'd accepted that moscato from Jennie like she had on their first date.

She felt dizzy in the most beautiful way.

But this time, it was not the influence of drugs, or plotting, and lies.

This time it was love.

So tender, and demanding, and freeing all at once.

It was love, and Rosie was so pleasantly enraptured, entranced, consumed by her love for Jennie Kim.

It was only when Jennie let out a long sigh that Rosie was finally shaken from her dream-like state, eyes flicking to the beautiful woman behind the wheel.

"Hey, you okay?" Rosie murmured. "Want me to drive?"

Jennie was exhausted, in every sense of the word.

Rosie had seen her thrashed, and nearly destroyed.

She had seen Jennie rise, and conquer, and slay every obstacle in her path.

Rosie herself was emotionally and physically exhausted.

"I'm fine." Jennie reassured her, glancing down at her poorly bandaged palms.

"You must be exhausted." Rosie pressed.

"It's only a little further up the road." Jennie promised, knowing that Rosie was just as tired.

Rosie glanced down at Jennie's hand, wrapped around the gearshift handle. She gently took it into her own, careful to avoid the cut, bringing it to her face so she could see the damage in the dim lighting.

Jennie glanced at her momentarily, smiling softly before glancing forward at the road. "I'll be fine." She promised.

Rosie smiled, pressing her lips to Jennie's hand, right under the cut. She smiled wider when she heard Jennie's breath hitch ever so softly. "I know." She mumbled, holding Jennie's hand in her own tenderly. "I want to take care of you."

If Jennie's eyes were any indication, she was desperately wrapped in her love for Rosie, forgetting how to breathe, to blink, to speak.

Before she could find it within her to reply, she'd realized that she'd already stopped the car, passing a black iron gate signifying the top of her driveway.

Rosie's eyes widened a bit at the size of the expansive estate unrolling in the darkness before her. Trees dotted the edge of the driveway Jennie had just pulled up on, and Rosie's eyes fell to the manor itself.

It was brilliant and opulent, imposing and looming over the rest of the area. It's front steps were supported by great pillars, and Rosie had to think Jennie's estate was worth more than her entire life would ever be.

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