Chapter 12 ( Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong)

Start from the beginning

“Oh honey.” She wrapped her hands around me and held me tight. “I know you’re hurting but believe me everything will be better.”

“How?” I finally let my tears pour.

“You’ll see. And I can promise you this. He will come back begging you.”

“You just say that to make me feel better.”

“That too but I have a feeling I’m right. My lawyer instinct tells me he likes you too. A lot. Maybe he was mad yesterday. Today he was confused. Tomorrow he will be begging for forgiveness.”

“I’m not that optimistic.”

“Just give him time. And don’t shut him out when he does come to you. Just play the most dangerous cards of all.”

“And that’s?”

“The you have to work hard for me card.” She winked and kissed my forehead.

“Oh mum. I hate this feeling.”

“I know dear. I hate every fight I have with your father. But then on the other side those fights help us figure something out. They only makes us stronger. So don’t worry.”

I kissed her cheek and pulled away from her hug.

“I’m going to my room to study. Tell me when dad gets home.”

“Alright. Oh and Julie. One more thing.”


“Do you still want me to do that meeting with him?”

“Mum, he’s talented. He deserves that much. I don’t care if I’m not hanging out with him anymore. I have to keep my promise.”

“Okay. Then if you talk to him, tell him to be in 8 a.m in Thursday in our office. ”

I nodded my head then went to my room and lied on the bed.

I opened my eyes listening to the knocking on my window. I must have fallen asleep. I was still day time probably I have slept an hour or so. Again the knocking. I lifted my head to see a person on my window. Wait a person? I jumped like a crazy person but then I saw a familiar face. J.D? What the fuck is he doing here? He signalized me to open the window and after a moment of hesitation I thought he might fall so I opened the window. He tried to get in but I stopped him there. He sat on the window not complaining.

“I don’t even want to know why you’re here.” I felt angry and very mad. I just didn’t want to see him. Not after I tried to get over my stupid stupid…love crush…

“Julie before you push me down so I can break something like I deserve I just want to tell you that I’m…

“An idiot?”






“Selfish asshole?”

“I was going to say I’m sorry.”

I frowned and sighed. “Well if that’s all.” I tried to close the window but he stopped me.

“If you wanted me gone you wouldn’t have opened the window.”

“I don’t have any curtains to shut.”

“Julie…” He tried to be sweet but oh I wanted him to suffer.

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Where stories live. Discover now