Chapter 19 ( Going undercover- Charles's Angles strike again )

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 So i made this chapter long and it's one of my favorite chapters. I have to say that I'm going on a trip and i won't be able to post until next week but that's why i have given you the best chapter ever. I hope you enjoy it :D ♥

I walked towards J.D’s locker. It was Friday and I wanted to go to the bar to see what Jake was up, too. J.D avoided this talk as much as I avoided the other talk. We are a mess I tell you.

Suddenly and arm pulled me back. I almost screamed when I saw it was Johnny.

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” He obviously didn’t know he scared me.

“What’s up?” I asked still hoping in one place because I was in a hurry.

“It’s about tonight.”

I stopped the hoping immediately.

“We have a problem.”

I raised a brow.

“What’s the problem?”

“Kayla and Angie.”

“Don’t worry they won’t get involved.”

“That’s the problem. They want to get involved.”

“What?” I asked in panic. “How did they found out about this?”

“J.D told me the moment Angie walked in. She pretended she didn’t know anything, but now she tells me she wants in.”

“No way.”

“That’s what I said but they said they’ll go no matter what.”

“I can’t risk with them.”

“Do you think I want to put her in danger? I already saw J.D’s face when he mentioned you wanted to go. He is worried.”

“But I was the one who found out the secret and I need to come and they…they are my friends! If anything happens to them…”

“We won’t let that happened that’s why I need you to convince them.”

“Angie is stubborn as me but I have to try.”

I decided it was more important to find Angie and Kayla and talk to them. They shouldn’t be involved…But they are too hot headed and now that they know about everything no way they’ll want to be left behind.

The classes were already starting and there was no sign of them. I phoned both of them but I was ignored.

When break time finally came I tried to find them again. I found them arguing with the boys. At least they tried to put some sense into them.

“Angie, Kayla what are you doing?” I yelled. “There is no way you are coming.”

“Why not? You are all going!”

“I know you two are worried about Johnny and Chris but…”

Angie cut me off.  “We’re not worried about them. They are tough and been in fights a lot of times. They can take care of them selves. We’re worried about you. "

“I want to go. I have to go.”

“No you don’t. I can do everything I just want you away from that freak.” J.D turned towards me.

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