Chapter 12 ( Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong)

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(Julie’s p.o.v.)

I came home to see my mother sitting on the couch. When did she come back from work?

“Mum? What are you doing so early?”

“I decided to come and talk to you. You left school yesterday. Why? You never skip school?”

“Oh mum…I’m sorry…” I remember that I ran away from school yesterday. Fuck. I don’t need this crap too.

“I told your teacher that I came to pick you up because you were sick. She believed me.”

“You can be very persuasive.”

“So can you.” She smiled and tapped the couch signalizing me to sit next to her. I did exactly that.

“Will you tell me what’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to talk about it…”

“Come on sweetie. It will make you feel better.”

I hesitated. And then I decided to tell her. But I’ll do this very, very slowly.

“It’s about J.D.”

“What about him?”

“We kissed.” So much for slow.

“Well honey that’s…” She started confused of my face expression. I can already read her thoughts. I don’t get it. Is she happy or not. The answer is. I don’t know either.

“It doesn’t surprise me.”

“What?” I don’t get it.

“Well you have never brought another boy home, I assumed you like him”

“Let me tell you the short story.”

So I started telling her skipping the things about Steven. I still am confused about the whole thing. But I have to tell her sooner or later.

“I knew there was something between you two.” She smiled.

“How would you know that?”

“The day you two came here for lunch. You couldn’t stop starring at him. Neither did he. You two kept on laughing and giggling one another.”

“But we weren’t a thing.”

“But you liked each other.”

“Yeah well…” I puffed.

“So he kissed you? So what?”

“Mum you don’t get it…He ruined…”

“Your first kiss. I get what you’re saying but I don’t think that’s your biggest problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well you look more disappointed then like you hate him.”

“I don’t hate him.”

“And that’s your answer.”

“Mum I…”

“You and I both know you are in love with him.”

My eyes filled with tears. It sounded so bad in my head but know it was even worse.

“He’s a player mum.” I tried to keep my voice steady. “He kissed me and then walked away. I though that I at least was his friend. He doesn’t even want to look at me.”

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