Chapter 14 ( When bitches go mad ...)

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Sorry for that. :P 
I really want to upload as fast as i can but my computer keeps on       breaking down. I wrote this chapter really long so i cut it into two peaces. I'll put the second part in the next chapter. I tried to spicy things up a little and i tried to complicate things.

Spoiler alert: I think that in the next few chapters you'll see a change in Julie and J.D. Julie is getting more confident and J.D is going soft. Is it a good thing or bad you be the judge of that :D I think it's just cute ;)

I woke up in a big tight hug. It took me a second to realize I was sleeping with J.D. One arm was underneath my head and the other one was on my waist. I was face turned to his chest. He was still half dressed. I looked at him and smiled. He was so peaceful. He wasn’t talking or teasing me or smirking. His perfect little face was just still. His breathing was so normal. I lifted on of my hands and as I tried to pull it out I touched his chest. He was so warm. His chest moved slowly as he breathed. As my hand glided down I felt his rock hard abs. They fell so much better then they look damn it. I lifted my hand and went over his black hair and giggled. He was adorable, no doubt in that. I was head over heals for this guy. So perfect for me. I do wonder how I ever really got him. He is like a character from my books. He is bold and brave and so lovable.

I tried to move but with the hand he had on my waist he pulled me closer. Suddenly something poked my thigh.

“J.D.” I realized what that was and jumped immediately. “Ugh. Yuck.”

He didn’t open his eyes and just smirked. “ It’s not my fault you felt horny this morning and went all over my body?”

I blushed realizing what I was doing five minutes ago.

“Excuse me but the horny one is you and I…” I tried to say something when I saw that he wasn’t listening. He was going back to sleep.

I took a small pillow and hit him.

“Tell me you did not just…” I hit him again.

He rubbed his eyes and grabbed my pillow. I pulled and he pulled.

“Let go it’s my pillow. Find another one”

“Stop hitting me”


“You are going down sugar.” I wasn’t going to let him win.

I pulled harder and he didn’t let go. I heard a crack but before I tried to stop a disaster it blew right in front of my eyes. Feathers were everywhere. I opened my mouth from surprised. I looked at J.D who was confused as I was. And then we started laughing like crazy.

“I am so dead if my mother sees this.”

I tried to catch my breath and laid back on the bed. He laid next to me.

“What time is it?”

“I have no idea?”

I lifted my head to look at my alarm clock and laid back.

“We have two hours until school. How did we get up so early?”

“It must be the excitement for sleeping with me.”

I chuckled. “ Probably.” My stomach roared. “I am hungry.”

“I can hear that...” He smirked and I hit his arm.

He pushed me back and I started tickling him. He started laughing and yelling to me to stop. Not in this life pretty boy.

Before I knew it he was on top of me giving me a taste of my own medicine.

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang