Chapter 3 (Is my life a joke or what?)

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 I went over to my locker and I left couple of my books there. I slammed the locker's door when his face was smirking at me. Not again.

I turned around and left.

“Julie, come on it was a joke.” I kept on walking.

“Doll face, are you mad?”

I didn’t turn around when he ran faster and stood in front of me.

I tried to pass him but his body was always blocking me.

“Are you giving me the silent treatment?”

I just smiled at him.

“Oh this should be interesting.”

Why won’t he just go away?

“I am so charming I left you speechless.”

Ha, good try but I’m not saying a word.

I continued walking towards my classroom but he just kept walking with me. People were staring…I hate his pretty face.

“If you’re wondering nowadays people use words to seduce not face expressions.”

I almost gave a comment about that but I wasn’t going to let him win. Suck it up Julie.

“So how is that you save me and I can’t repay you.” I raised my shoulders and frowned. Go away, go away…

“I mean there is no need to make this a big deal. Either you will avoid me the whole time I’m here and I will keep on bothering you, either you will accept the fact that I am doing this, talk to me, be friends with me, brag about it and be grateful.”

That son of a…

I turned and glared at him. No…Mistake one. Don’t look at the enemies eyes. Blue, blue, blue…so blue…Focus Julie, focus. You should hate this guy, blue, blue… Stop it. Blue, blue…They are just so blue, like the sky, like the ocean. Damn it, hold it together. Are you a girl or a soldier? I’m a girl. Damn.

“Sugar, are you alright?”

I realized I’ve been just staring like that for a minute.

Sugar? Great now I got a new nickname. What am I? A candy?

“Admit that you love this thing. It’s going to be so much fun. Come one. Admit it, admit it, admit it, admit it, admit it…”

“Stop, my head is aching.” I yelled. He stopped. Thank you for the moment of silence.

“So we are done with the silent treatment?”

“I beg you to leave me alone. Please” I cried.

“Not going to happen.”

“Why did I have to save you? Why god?” I looked at the ceiling. “What were my sins? Did I ever murder somebody? No!”

I looked at J.D.

“Well not yet. Did I ever lie? Well only when it was necessary! Did I steal?...”

“Sugar, I know you are a saint and a little crazy since you are apparently talking to a ceiling, but we will make that crazy into sexy.”

I put my hand over his mouth.

“Shut up, shut up, and shut up. You are making me crazy. Fine, do whatever you want but just leave me for the rest of the day as my final day of freedom.”

I waited an answer. Why wasn’t he saying anything? Suddenly he licked my hand. I pulled it right back and rubbed it off my jeans.

“Why did you do that for?”

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Where stories live. Discover now